Truth? We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Truth

 “You can take it as a general rule that anytime you see an ad hominem attack on someone who raises questions that the questions are dangerous and that the government is using its well-paid trolls to discredit the sceptic who raised the questions.” – P C Roberts

PaulCraigRobertsIn the previous posting, The Grand Manipulation, I again wrote about the false reality that government manipulation of information and control over explanations creates for Americans and others who have subordinated themselves to Washington.

Consider the “war on terror.” According to a Nobel economist and a Harvard University budget expert, Washington’s 14 years of war on terror has cost Americans a minimum of $6 trillion. That’s 6,000 billion dollars. This sum, together with the current PayRoll tax revenues is enough to keep Social Security and Medicare in the black for years to come. Without the vast sum wasted on the war on terror, Republicans would not have an excuse to be trying to cut Social Security and Medicare for budget reasons and to privatize the old age pensions and health care of people, thus turning Medicare and Social Security pensions into fee income for Wall Street.

Combatting terrorism is the excuse for squandering a minimum of $6,000 billion dollars.
What were the terrorist events that serve as a basis for this expenditure?

There are five: 9/11, the London transport system bombings, the Spanish train bombing, the Boston Marathon Bombing, and the French Charlie Hebdo rifle attack.

In other words, 5 events in 14 years.

The loss of life in all these events combined is minuscule compared to the loss of life in the war on terror. Even the deaths of our own soldiers is greater. Washington’s wars against terror have caused more deaths of Americans than the alleged terrorist events themselves.

But were they terrorist events?

There are many reasons to suspect these “terrorist attacks.” Governments have always resorted to false flag events in order to serve secret agendas. The Czar’s secret police set off bombs in order to create grounds for arresting labor agitators. We know from Operation Gladio that Western intelligence services did the same thing in order to blame European communist parties and block their electoral gains. Washington lived in fear that a communist party would gain executive power in some European country. Continue reading

Forget The News. Silver 12 – 14? Gold 1,000 – 1,100?

How are all them facts and figures about gold/silver accumulation by China, Russia,
India, et al, shortages at the COMEX, LMBA for delivery of the [non-existent]physical
metal, drainage of GLD, unprecedented public demand for coins, accompanied by pretty
graphs and charts, working out?

Question – where are the results of all, and we mean all of the above considerations, and
more?  Have these factors [and they are legitimate], driven the price of gold and silver to
unprecedented levels?  If not unprecedented levels, have they driven the price of gold
and silver to $1,400 and $25?  If not, why not?

Welcome to the real world, the one run by the elite banking cabal.

The elites do not make the law, they are the law.  All governments are their servants.

What would it be like to live within the New World Order?  You already do.  Every aspect
of your life is almost totally under the scrutiny of spying agencies neither answerable nor
accountable to anyone.  The NSA has been around since the 1950s.  Edward Snowden put
that agency on everyone’s alert.  To what end?  In the end, to no end.  American apathy,
even European apathy are insuring the NWO has no opposition, at least not in the Western
world. Continue reading

The Quickening [Audio]

Will Lehr of Interviews Jim Willie of editor of The Hat Trick Letter.


My buddy the Golden Jackass is back, diving deep into the abyss of all matters financial and geopolitical. Join us for well over an hour of analyzation of the events of today.

In the first half of the interview we cover the 10 most critical developments of 2015, and it’s only February. Typically any one of these events would be big enough to make annual headlines. These have all occurred in a matter of 3 weeks!

Jim makes a big call regarding Germany’s ‘stance’ in the dollar demise. We cover everything from underwater prisons to new energy technology. The doctor even gives us a lesson on statistical probability as it pertains to global collapse events and government propaganda statistics. From Greek pipelines to the Shemitah cycle of financial crises we cover broad topics with just enough depth to engage your curiosity.

Bombshell events listed in chronological order: Continue reading

Richest 1% Have More Than Rest Of Humanity Combined

 “The world’s wealthiest, reads the report, “have generated and sustained their vast riches through their interests and activities in a few important economic sectors, including finance and insurance and pharmaceuticals and healthcare.” – J Queally

richpsychopathyIn less than two years, if current trends continued unchecked, the richest 1% percent of people on the planet will own at least half of the world’s wealth.

That’s the conclusion of a new report from Oxfam International, released Monday, which states that the rate of global inequality is not only morally obscene, but an existential threat to the economies of the world and the very survival of the planet. Alongside climate change, Oxfam says that spiraling disparity between the super-rich and everyone else, is brewing disaster for humanity as a whole.

“Do we really want to live in a world where the one percent own more than the rest of us combined?” asked Winnie Byanyima, Executive Director of Oxfam International. “The scale of global inequality is quite simply staggering and despite the issues shooting up the global agenda, the gap between the richest and the rest is widening fast.”

According to the report—titled Wealth: Having It All and Wanting More (pdf):

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