Fascinating New Study Shows How Emotions Are Mapped On The Human Body

WakeUpWorld  May 30 2014

Finnish scientists have for the first time mapped areas of the body activated according to each emotion (happiness, sadness, anger, etc). This map was compiled following a study of 700 Finnish, Swedish and Taiwanese volunteers.” ~M. Forrester

EmotionalStates2Emotions coordinate our behavior and physiological states during survival-salient events and pleasurable interactions. Even though we are often consciously aware of our current emotional state, such as anger or happiness, the mechanisms giving rise to these subjective sensations have remained largely unresolved. Brilliant research by Finnish scientists has mapped the areas of our body that are experiencing an increase or decrease in sensory activity when we experience a particular emotion.

Depending on whether we are happy, sad or angry, we have physiological sensations that are not located in different areas of the body. We overlook this reality from one day to the next (the famous “lump in the breast” generated by anxiety, the feeling of warmth that pervades our face and our cheeks particularly when we feel the shame…), and do not consciously realize how much the location of these body areas activated by our emotions and how they vary considerably depending on the nature of the emotion.

Researchers around the world are slowly integrating research on how our energetic and emotional states cause health and/or disease. How we connect emotionally to our overall wellness and wellbeing may indeed be more relevant than any supplement, food, exercise, medical intervention or health treatment. Continue reading

On UFOs, Aliens, Mind Control And Conspiracies [Video]

RichardPresser’sBlog December 22 2013

Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde is a Finnish physician who has been an author and lecturer on parapsychology, ufology and mind control since 1982. In this excellent interview she shares experiences and views that are largely in line with my own views and experience. It is impossible to hold onto our traditional, carefully crafted view of our world, how it works and what it means to be human when you hear what she has experienced.


Original interview was published on YouTube July 10 2912


The Mysterious Baltic Sea Object [Audio]

Red Ice Radio | August 7 2012

On June 19th the Swedish-based diving company Ocean X Team discovered something unusual on the sonar while they were exploring the Baltic Sea between Sweden and Finland looking for sunken treasures. They found a 197 feet diameter cylinder shaped object at the depth of approximately 275 feet. Much mystery surrounds the object. Peter Lindberg from the Ocean X Team joins us to discuss the details and anomalies of the object. He’ll talk about how the object is giving off electrical interference and disturbing their research gear. Peter provides us with up to date information on their research results and current news. We speculate on what this mysterious object may be.