The New Rules for Radicals

The New Rules for RadicalsJ.B. Shurk – It is a reflection of these volatile times that the Supreme Court’s First Amendment ruling in Brandenburg v. Ohio echoes in the back of my mind whenever I sit down to write. In that case, the Court defended inflammatory speech from government punishment unless it is “directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and is likely to incite or produce such action.”

How the government defines “lawless action,” though, is quickly changing. Just being a concerned parent opposed to a school board’s sexualized curriculum can make an otherwise law-abiding American a potential “domestic terrorist” in the eyes of the FBI. Continue reading

IRS-Incredible Abuses of Democracy [Video]

USAWatchdog May 22 2013

Professor William Black is an expert in white collar crime.  When it comes to the IRS scandal, Dr. Black says, “This is everybody’s fear.  This is a real fear and not made up.  You can produce incredible abuses of democracy if you use the IRS as a weapon.”  Dr. Black contends, “It was precisely First Amendment activities that the IRS targeted under the Obama Administration.  At best, they were completely asleep at the wheel.”

Dr. Black isn’t sure higher-ups are going to jail but says, “The clear unbelievable thing is they gave an absolute gift, Christmas came early, for not only the Republicans, but for all Tea Party groups.”  Black goes on to say,“This administration, very early on, became an enemy of disclosure.  It hates whistleblowers with a passion.”  Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with Professor William Black from the University of Missouri Kansas City.