Foods That Speed Up Aging While Promoting Sickness

transFatPaul Fassa – Eating what’s quick, convenient, and tasty may fit your lifestyle for now, but you may be subjecting yourself to progressively worsening health. If you don’t shift to a healthier diet, someday sooner rather than later you’ll be a young person in an old person’s body, wondering what happened. Below are 8 foods you should avoid to age gracefully and avoid sickness.

Avoid These 8 Food-Like Substances

1. Despite FDA press releases announcing its ban of trans fatstrans-fatty processed hydrogenated oils are still ubiquitous. Don’t use them for cooking or salad dressings. They’re less expensive, but they’ve been processed only for creating a longer shelf life while shortening your time with a healthy life. Continue reading

FDA ‘Turned A Blind Eye’ To Fraudulent Covid Vaccine Data Submission

FDA ‘Turned A Blind Eye' To 'Submission Of Fraudulent Data' On Covid VaccineMaryanne Demasi Ph.D  – On Nov. 2, 2021, The BMJ broke the story of Brook Jackson, the regional director who blew the whistle on data integrity issues in Pfizer’s pivotal COVID-19 vaccine trial. Weeks later, documents were leaked supporting Jackson’s complaint about “falsified data.”

Among the leaked documents was an email, authored by a former federal agent in the FDA’s Office of Criminal Investigations (OCI), claiming Pfizer knowingly submitted fraudulent data to the FDA, and the agency responded by turning a blind eye. Continue reading

Food “Safety” Reform And The Covert Continuation Of The Enclosure Movement

Farm Wars Healing ourselves is the essence of democratic development.” – Michael Parenti, final remarks, California State University, Channel Islands, March 11, 2004.


Nicole Johnson – Our nation is awakening to the fact that convenience-oriented, industrial food products, which have substantially displaced our traditional diet, have altered our collective health for the worse. Citizens are actively seeking out food that is unadulterated by a long list of unhealthy – though government-approved — ingredients in industrially processed products, recognizing them to be a primary cause of our steady decline into preventable chronic disease and premature death. People increasingly demand food in its natural form to nourish their bodies down to the cellular level. Continue reading

3 New Studies Confirm Dangers Of BPA And Substitutes

“Given the prevalence of these chemicals and the lack of willingness by regulatory agencies to take sweeping action, it is imperative to eliminate endocrine-disruptors from your system.” ~J Green


The full range of dangers presented by the DNA-damaging endocrine disruptor and neurotoxin Bisphenol-A (BPA) is finally being understood and widely communicated by the scientific community.

It has been linked to obesity, infertility and reproductive disorders in both genders, diabetes, breast cancer, prostate cancer, behavioral problems, liver tumors and more. A Harvard study found a whopping 1200% spike in BPA levels in the urine of people who had recently eaten canned soup, and study after study is showing that harm results at much lower levels than previously thought.

However, even more troubling are the studies revealing that BPA substitutes carry the same level and range of dangers that hoodwink people by labeling “BPA Free” when the presence of bisphenol remains as Bisphenol-S, AP, M, or P.

3 new studies are posted below that highlight the dangers to both humans and nature from the presence of these toxins that are still deemed acceptable by the EPA, which continues to urge that the public does not even have a right to know about where BPA and its substitutes appear.

1. BPA stimulates growth of breast cancer cells, diminishes effect of treatment

Bisphenol A (BPA), a chemical commonly used in plastics, appears to increase the proliferation of breast cancer cells, according to Duke Medicine researchers presenting at an annual meeting of endocrine scientists. Continue reading

Inside The FDA Mafia

“We are not dealing with isolated incidents of cheating and lying. We are not dealing with a few isolated bought-off FDA employees. The situation at the FDA isn’t correctable with a few firings. This is an ongoing criminal enterprise, and any government official, serving in any capacity, who has become aware of it and has not taken action, is an accessory to mass poisoning of the population.” ~J Rappoport

FDA_BribeI post this piece now and then to show how personal things can get inside a terminally corrupt government agency.

It’s not all about remote decisions made from a great height.

These decisions can come about through the rank intimidation the Mafia exercises with a member who wants to leave the mob and go straight.

As in: “We know where your wife and kids are.”

This article is based on a Truthout interview of a man who did drug reviews for the FDA. He examined applications to approve new medical drugs for public consumption.

Pharmaceutical companies must have their new drugs certified as safe and effective before they can enter the market, before doctors can prescribe them. The FDA does this certification. Thumbs up or thumbs down. The drug is okay or it isn’t.

Here’s the story:

In a stunning interview with Truthout’s Martha Rosenberg, former FDA drug reviewer, Ronald Kavanagh, exposes the FDA as a relentless criminal mafia protecting its client, Big Pharma, with a host of mob strategies. Continue reading