Make a Huge Impact on this Galaxy & the Earth

Make a Huge Impact on this Galaxy & the EarthDaniel Scranton – “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are attending to several matters that exist both on Earth and throughout the galaxy simultaneously. There are of course, reflections to what is happening down there on Earth all throughout the galaxy, and we work to assist with not only the humans of Earth and what you are going through, but also with those you would consider to be ETs in other star systems on other worlds and moons and in space stations.

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Challenges And Obstacles

We ALL go through challenges and obstacles. YOU have a choice on how to react. – Karin Volo

Challenges And ObstaclesKarin Volo – If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I’d want to pass along to others…

Having gone through one of the longest dark night of the soul experiences where I was forcibly separated from my young daughters for almost four years, fighting a complicated legal battle that kept me in a high security jail without the ability to defend myself, I immersed myself in reading to escape the dismal surroundings. Continue reading

ECETI News #54 – Navigating the Chaos

Navigating the Chaos James Gilliland – In the days to come there will be a lot of change and chaos. The new world has not yet manifested and the old world is going out, imploding on itself under the karmic weight of maleficence. All institutions out of alignment with Universal Law and those with a history of actions against humanity and the Earth are suffering the boomerang effect.

Buddha said a fool and his mischief is like fresh milk. It takes time to sour but as surely as the cart carried by the horse it will catch up. Some of the mischief takes years, centuries to sour. We are entering a quickening of time and events everything is being accelerated and amplified. Continue reading

We All Have This Power – Time To Use It

forgivenessNick Polizzi – The word below has been hailed in just about every major spiritual text, it is the centerpiece of hundreds of songs (rock, folk, and even opera), and if used properly, it can create almost immediate transformation in your life.

The word is forgiveness.

Over the past month I’ve had the honor of meeting with a few people who miraculously healed themselves of serious illness.  In these conversations, one word has come up repeatedly as being the secret to their recovery. You guessed it. Continue reading

Look Back And Liberate Your Life

“There are no limitations to the self except those you believe in.” ~ Seth

no limitations to selfJafree Ozwald – There will come a time in the future, when you will have to look back at your life. You will examine your life, and tell yourself in some way that this was where you were a “success” and that was where you were a “failure”. Now, you are the only one who determines this based on how you feel inside. Something’s will matter to you more than others.

There might be one person you wanted to spend more time with, and other you felt the need to forgive yet couldn’t, and other who you tried to love yet didn’t know how. Whatever it is you feel you failed at in your past, you have the opportunity right now to change it! That’s right, you are not dead just yet. There is still time! You can change how you feel inside about yourself and your life. You can take action and have those conversations you most need to have. Continue reading