Big Frequency Shift And Influx of Light

Big Frequency Shift And Influx of Light Shekina Rose / Blue Ray – So much is going on on the planet on so many different levels and realms, including the collective consciousness, Mother Earth, Gaia, and your own inner world. As a result, we wish to remind you of the necessity of remaining focused on what is yours, what is not, and who you are.

What are your gifts, service, blessings, and mission. That you did choose to be here right now on Earth to make a difference with your frequency and consciousness. Continue reading

High Voltage

aquariusLorna Bevan – This week, on January 19th when the Sun enters the sign of the Futurist, we will all feel the great shift into Air from Earth that began on December 21st with the epochal Jupiter/Saturn Conjunction in Aquarius. This is the seeding of the 2021-43 Aquarian Agenda which will radically change the frequencies and time-lines when the February 1-18th Great Aquarius Stellium imprints us with the 5th Ray of concrete knowledge, science and technology – the electricity that powers your devices and your subtle magnetic field.

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