Each Day, More Precious Than The Last

InspireMeToday  November 23 2013

In my work with the sick and dying, I am all too familiar with having that last day on earth. It is a humbling experience to be present when someone leaves their physical shell behind to journey home. It is in these moments that I am divinely aware of how precious each day is.

Recently, as I held the hand of a woman dying, she whispered this in my ear:

If I had forgiven my son, he’d be holding my hand right now. Tell those around you they need to practice forgiveness and be grateful for the many blessings in their lives. Blessings come in big and small packages. Family is the most precious treasure we carry in our hearts.

Many of my clients say profound things to me as they physically let go. I’ve taken all of their words of wisdom and applied them to my daily living in the hopes that when it is my last day on earth, I can smile knowing I lived a life full of gratitude, joy, and unconditional love.

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Right, Wrong And The Truth

Enlightening Life | September 9 2012

EnergyI recently had a rather heated discussion with a friend who was trying to convince me that I was wrong about something. She was quite irritated that I would not agree with her because as far as I was concerned I wasn’t wrong. And I wasn’t trying as hard to convince her of my ‘right-ness’ as she was in insisting that I was wrong. This wasn’t about right or wrong, though, it was about truth. Any time there is a right or wrong in a situation, the real issue at hand is the truth, and whose truth is true.

Some people will go to great lengths to assert that they know best, they are right, and they know the truth. But truth is a funny thing because as much as we want to know ‘the Truth’, all we can really know for sure is what is true for us. Someone else’s truth is theirs alone. We may agree or share an opinion about it but truth, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. And when they ask us to validate their truth, what they are really asking for is validation that they are worthy of our love.

When my friend insisted that I agree with her, I knew it was personal and went far beyond me and this small incident. For her, it one more time that she had to prove herself and her truth and I was one more person who didn’t agree with her. Although I did agree with her, I just didn’t agree with her truth. It was very personal for her so I had to wonder who had made her so wrong in her life that she needed to hear me repeat her truth back to her. Why wasn’t it enough for her to know her truth and be comfortable with it? Because it wasn’t about her truth, it was about getting me to agree that it was true.

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