Glenn Meder ~ Top 10 Things You Need To Know About Water In An Emergency


10) In An Emergency, Your Water Can Become Dangerously Contaminated.

After the initial danger from an earthquake or hurricane or other disaster has passed, the most significant risk to your family’s health could very likely be contaminated water. This is especially true if there is flooding, damage to underground pipes and electricity blackouts. Your tap water (if it’s still flowing) could be contaminated with sewage (bacteria, viruses and parasites) and chemicals from ruptured chemical pipelines, storage tanks, tankers or damaged refineries. The Japanese Fukushima nuclear accident demonstrates that our water can even become contaminated from events that happen hundreds or thousands of miles away.

 9) Safe Drinking Water Is The Most Important Prep.

It’s important to be prepared for an emergency, but keep in mind the priority of your preparation items. Removing your family from imminent danger, such as getting to high ground if a tsunami is headed your way, keeping your family warm in winter and providing your family with a safe supply of drinking water are at the top of the list. If you don’t have a safe supply of water, you could quickly find yourself in a very dangerous situation in which you are sick, panicked, and unable to think and function properly.

 8) Lack Of Safe Drinking Water Is One Of The Causes Of Panic.

If we can learn anything from recent disasters, is that the first thing the public does is scream for the government to immediately deliver bottled water. Most people have never experienced real thirst. Water is not an option, your body demands it and it must have it. This biological need can and will override rational thought. By being prepared with safe drinking water, you won’t be part of the panic and will instead be able to focus on next steps for keeping your family safe. Continue reading

The Great Unsaid: What 1984 Can Teach Us About 2014

WakeUpWorld  January 8 2014

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act – George Orwell

Or maybe it was?

1984 by George Orwell is one of the most influential books of our time. It resonates today as much as it did fifty years ago. It changed the course of history by spawning new language and meaning relating to the structure, actions and mechanisms of our society. And that legacy seems perfectly fitting, for in the story of 1984, the world is faced with so much restriction that even the expressiveness of the official language is deliberately restricted by institutions in attempts to eliminate personal thought.

1984 provides a stark view of a burgeoning culture of totalitarianism that is as important as a work of fiction as it is as a reflection of modern fact. In 1984, each aspect of the Five Freedoms of The First Amendment were infringed and removed. Freedom of speech was so restricted that not only was there one source of news – operated by the official governing body – there was also a whole arm of government dedicated to slowly and steadily eliminating language deemed detrimental to the state.

Undoubtedly language, in spoken and written forms, assists our ability to communicate with and also elevate each other. The key to learning practically everything is in language. And to author George Orwell’s credit, 1984 spawned many well-recognized phrases relevant to our society to today – and for which there were previously no words or phrases. Terms like memory holebig brotherdouble-think,oligarchical collectivismproles and many others.

Nuclear military complex

1984 begins with a very important sentence.

It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen. ~ 1984

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The Radiation Cleansing Properties Of Bentonite Clay

Natural News | September 12 2012

BentoniteNatural News ~ Bentonite clay is known for many things, namely as a treatment for various mineral deficiencies, infections and even gangrene, but it’s also becoming widely popular as an aid against various kinds of radioactive damage and conditions. In its general uses, it can be used as a bulk laxative and to flush out impurities from the body due to its strong negatively charged ionic properties. It has amazing topical benefits as well, treating acne, open wounds, burns, and protecting against various rash inducing oils found in poison ivy or poison oak. Bentonite clay has become a very important natural resource for millions of people throughout the world, especially as our exposures to radiation have risen exponentially in this modern age.

Formed millions of years ago from the weathering of volcanic ash, most often in the presence of water, bentonite clay has developed into its present form by collecting various minerals critical to life from limestone formations or slow cooling temperatures which converted certain minerals to oxides easily burned by the human metabolism. It was further refined by a bountiful amount of plant life, carcasses and the hair of prehistoric creatures. It has been utilized for its many benefits by different indigenous tribes since prehistory. Some tribes like the Blackfoot and the Sioux referred to it as “Ee-Wah-Kee” or “The Mud That Heals.”

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