Who Is This Clown, Anyway?

Donald Franciszek Tusk, EU President

Ted Malloch – We just witnessed a relatively useful G7 meeting where Trump dominated his so-called “peers.”

He showed them time and again who is boss.

He didn’t even show up for their fake climate change debate.

On trade, Iran, China and serious matters, like the economy let’s face it there is only the G1.

The USA.

The others are not his peers in any way, shape or form. The numbers and clout abundantly prove this point. Continue reading

Ben Fulford (Mar 2 2015) ~ Confusion And Chaos in G7 Governments (Full Post)

collapseThere is a dangerous leadership vacuum at the highest levels of power inside the G7 nations as financial collapse looms. There will be economic collapse, mass starvation, anarchy and civil war unless the system is totally rebooted. On the flip side, if the system is rebooted, living standards in the world’s countries can be doubled within a year. The key is to free the nations of the world from Babylonian debt slavery. For those who do not understand this reality, check out this link:


and then this one to see the extent of world debt slavery:


By staging a jubilee, or one-off cancellation of all world debt, public and private, human living standards can be effectively doubled within a year. The key to accomplishing this is to force the surrender of the Zionist Khazarian (not Khazak) tribal gang that controls this system.

There is a show-down now taking place inside the United States that holds the key to freedom for humanity at large. The appearance of mass murdering Zionist Satan worshipping (not Jewish) gang boss Benyamin Netanyahu in Washington this week to push for world war 3 is a golden opportunity to end this once and for all. He is a rabid dog who must be quarantined or put down.

As reported in last week’s report, the US military has finally shown the patriotism and bravery needed to take down the Zionist mafia controlled CIA faction responsible for most of the world’s wars. Last week the Russian and Chinese government news sites both displayed evidence the Zionist Department of Homeland Security and CIA had been put under pentagon control. To quote from Russia Today:

“US Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, Lt. General Vincent Stewart (USMC), reported on the intelligence community’s assessment of current and potential threats to American security and interests.”


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