Alchemically Transforming Reality

consciousnessJosé Stevens – I would like to respond to the many of you who raise the subject of the desecration of the earth, how depressing it is to see what humans have done to the earth, and what can be done if anything to help restore it. What accompanies this concern is often great anger at what has happened, a tendency to blame others for the destruction, deep resentment, and other horrible feelings of despair.

While this is all very understandable it is exactly the opposite of what can be done to restore the earth. What I am going to talk about here may seem like the ravings of a lunatic, or some pie in the sky idealistic solution that is delusional. Actually, what it will be is a reference to long lost knowledge, something that humans once knew but forgot or lost long ago.

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Taurus ~ Energy of the Month

Kelly M Beard – Taurus/Scorpio energy brings awareness of your deepest values, renewal of your priorities and access to the power to co-create your world. Taurus time (April/May) is an annual opportunity to seed the *Garden* of your life … while Scorpio time (Oct/Nov) brings the annual gifts of power, magic and purification.

Working consciously with these energies gives you a chance to truly ground your Highest intentions and bring them into ‘form’ to serve the greater good, which will attract blessings beyond your wildest imagination … *IF* you maintain integrity and do the work! Earth energy requires getting real ~ getting serious ~ and often, getting dirty! It is a chance to co-create, contribute and allow Great Spirit to breathe life into the seeds you plant at this time. Continue reading

The Simple Vegetable Gardening Cheat Sheet: All You Need to Know

When to plant, when to harvest, and more


Mike Barrett – With Spring coming through, it’s time to start planning for that beautiful organic garden. Let’s face it; one great way to avoid the threat of genetically modified foods, pesticides, and toxic additives is to start your own organic garden. Whether you have gardened before or you will just be getting into it for the first time, below you will find a very helpful infographic with tons of information to make your experience that much easier.

From choosing the right seeds to knowing where and when to plant the seeds, there are tons of bits of information to know for a successful gardening venture. In addition to checking out NaturalSociety’s earlier posts on basic gardening skills and how to choose the best seeds, you must check out the infographic below to learn numerous essentials for vegetable planting.

As the infographic, courtesy of AnglianHome, shows:

10 Things This Vegetable Growing Cheat Sheet will show you

  1. When to plant
  2. How far apart to plant seeds
  3. What needs propagating
  4. What needs to be in a greenhouse
  5. What size pot to plant in
  6. Distance to thin seedlings out to
  7. Germination & maturation times
  8. Which pests to look out for
  9. What veg works best together
  10. When to harvest!

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This Edible Park Feeds 200,000 Hungry People Every Month!

In Irvine, California, a 7.5 acre plot of land was turned into “The Incredible Edible Park”, a community garden that feeds 200,000 people each month. Every year, over 15,000 volunteers come through to help plant and harvest the food. The once unused plot of land was donated and is now run by an organization called the Second Harvest Food Bank.


According to their website: Continue reading

Kelly Roberson ~ 50 Ideas For Container Gardens


Bored with the pots you use for container gardening? This summer, refresh your landscape and boost your curb appeal with our fun ideas for container gardens.

When I got my first apartment, with just a tiny concrete pad for a patio and not a speck of rich loam in sight, I did what seemed natural and right: I bought myself a big terra cotta pot and planted tomatoes. My living circumstances have since changed – now I’m fortunate enough to have flower beds, shrubs and trees, a vegetable garden, and a compost pile – but I can guarantee you I still have the same terra cotta pot, or some variation of it. That fact speaks to the durability and popularity of the material, as well as the versatile nature of container gardening itself.

A container plus some potting soil and seeds or a plant equals flowers, herbs, veggies, even dwarf trees or shrubs. Container gardening is the ultimate garden leveler for all of us, no matter where we live. Even so, I’ve found myself turning to those terra cotta pots less and less. In place of them, I’ve been using alternative containers that reflect my personality and gardening style, accent the architecture of my home, and complement my yard.

Fortunately, there’s no shortage of ideas — we’ve got 50 of them.

But before you start planting away in a new container, consider a few things:

Material: What the container is made of can impact how easy it is to move and how well it holds moisture and encourages plant growth. Some materials such as plastic may fade more quickly than others.

Size: Your containers shouldn’t be as big as your plant is now, but as big as your plant will be once it’s full-grown.

Drainage: This is a big one: Plants that can’t get rid of excess moisture will develop swampy roots and, eventually, stop growing. Some materials – tin, plastic – are easy enough to add drainage holes to using an ordinary drill bit or a hammer and a nail. Others – ceramic, for example – may require a specialized drill bit to add small holes. So as you scour yard sales and big box stores, your garage and your favorite flea market, keep your eyes out for these plant-friendly container garden alternatives.

50 Ideas for Container Gardens

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