Whistleblower Warns Globalists Preparing New Bio Attack [Video]

Whistleblower Warns Globalists Preparing New Bio AttackAlexandra Bruce – Longtime whistleblower, Dr Rima Laibow joins Alex Jones to talk about the genocidal COVID Hoax, which has been decades in the making, according to the elites she used to treat, who used to tell her about it.

She asks:

“How is this possible? How can every single nation in the world, 196 nation-states; how could every single one of them sign on to destroying their people? To giving up their sovereignty? To eliminating any kind of personal informed consent? How can any country do that – and how is it that EVERY one is doing that? Continue reading

Insects As Flying Syringes For Genetic Modification

Tessa Lena – The craziest crazies have somehow escaped the asylum and installed themselves in high positions of power. Insane, they are coming up with one bad idea after another and barking orders at us, mad shine in their eyes and saliva coming out of their mouths. They are crazy — and in charge of institutions, schools, newspapers and armies.

They are running around with their high-tech pistols filled with high-tech poisons and their little sadistic CRISPR scissors. They are crazy — yes, they are crazy — and they are killing us slowly, and sometimes not so slowly. Welcome to the future where toxicity is health and the old crazy is the new normal. We are not crazy — they are crazy — and they have been from the beginning. And in 2020, they stopped pretending. What now? Continue reading

Covid Vaccine Lies, More YouTube Covid Censorship, Economic Update [Video]

vaccinesGreg Hunter – Just about everything we have been told about Covid is a lie or lies by omission.  We are told the Vaccine is the only way to beat Covid.  We are also told there are no other treatments available. Those are lies.  We are not told that the so-called vaccine is “experimental” and that all these so-called vaccines were only approved on an emergency basis.

We are not told that these vaccines permanently alter your DNA with genetic engineering and that vaccine manufacturers have zero liability if you are permanently injured or die from a shot.  Also, manufacturers of these so-called vaccines and the medical community have no idea what the effects will be in the short or long term. Continue reading

The Geopolitics of Human Gene Editing

DNAGunnar Ulson – A cursory warning was left by renowned physics professor Stephen Hawking regarding a future where a race of superhumans, manipulating their DNA, would taking control of their own evolution. The warning came just before his death in March of this year.

The Washington Post in its article, “Stephen Hawking feared race of ‘superhumans’ able to manipulate their own DNA,” would explain (my emphasis):

Before he died in March, the Cambridge University professor predicted that people this century would gain the capacity to edit human traits such as intelligence and aggression. And he worried that the capacity for genetic engineering would be concentrated in the hands of the wealthy.

To be clear, Professor Hawking wasn’t warning about the technology in and of itself, but its monopolization by a handful of wealthy interests.

The Threat of Technological Monopolies

When we look at any chapter in human history, disparity in technology has always led to tragic episodes of exploitation, violence, atrocities and even genocide. The invention and use of firearms by Western Europeans against tribes everywhere from Asia and Africa to North and South America provide us one look at how huge advantages in technology have been abused against those who lack access to it. Continue reading

Genetic Engineering

dnaLisa Renee – The war over consciousness is bubbling to the surface, with more pieces being exposed to the light of day for those who are willing to see.  This month we look at the over arching agendas to manipulate the environment, weather, the food supply, human DNA expression and higher consciousness, through Genetic Engineering.  When we understand the potential of the 12 stranded DNA design during the ascension process, it is no wonder the NAA have been attempting to destroy it in every way possible.

This effort began to escalate after World War II with alien contact, and again in the 90’s when more of the Indigo and Crystal children started arriving in larger numbers. As we connect the dots between the multiple avenues used to control and manipulate human consciousness, we can see why a full disclosure event is needed.  Until then it is up to each of us, to do our best to accurately assess the world of forces in our day-to-day lives, and to make informed and conscious decision about what we interact with.

The Controllers and the intelligence community have established an assortment of secret military programs that act in explicit cooperation to carry out the NAA objectives for bio-spiritual consciousness enslavement, through mind control and Genetic Engineering.

These many covert operations are carried out against the public to gain access and control over human brain waves, which intentionally shape brain cognition, thoughts and behavior, and to limit perception and intelligence quotient (IQ) in the masses – in order to harvest earth based genetics and continue to modify gene expression in humanity.

In simpler terms, these hidden technologies are targeted to the public for the purpose of mind controlled gene expression. This is a type of Genetic Engineering that has been conducted through a variety of technological, medical and pharmacological experiments, hidden behind covert military backed operations that have been exploited by the Controllers since World War II.
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