SARTRE ~ Constitution Replaced By Fiat Edicts

The rule of law is an empty memory of the past. The powers that rule are globalists that control governments and use their media outlets to write the first version of history. They pull the strings of the intelligence agencies that function as overthrowers of non-compliant regimes. Constitutional restrictions that limit impulsive or capricious dictates formerly protected citizens. With the utter eradication of separations of power and the “Federalist”, form of distinct roles and authority of independent States, the core legitimacy of the United States vanished.As central ascendancy consolidates, the tyranny of the majority becomes obvious to even the most vocal Statist proponent. The reason for this development is well defined. The most wicked and corrupt criminals have hijacked the system and dismantled the checks and balances, placed into the constitutional framework.

However, let us be crystal clear. The original formation of a supreme central government doomed the infant republic to the same fate of all other countries. Most Americans are so deep in denial that they are unable to confront the truth of this conclusion. The legislative, legal and judicial systems are all complicit in the destruction of the independence of individual states. States’ rights are essential and are the original jurisdiction authority that formed a purported limited role for the federal government.

The hedonistic hordes that extend their consent to the dictatorial governance keep voting for more oppression.

A nation of free people endowed in Liberty has become a cesspool of cretins begging for more social welfare benefits and cradle-to-grave guarantees.The reliance of executive orders to circumvent, “The People’s House“, has relegated Congress to a homeless child in a globalist orphanage.

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