I’m Just Sayin…

“The architects have bred out of humanity, those troublesome traits like bravery, courage, and the willingness to defend ourselves from them.   Slaves.” -Chautauqua


The deeper we wander into this unknown country of the future, the more it resembles a battlefield.  This is part of the design, and a major indication that the architects endgame looms close now.

It hasn’t gotten to this point overnight; the design is a generational plan; of death by a thousand cuts and where ever we look we see the final pieces falling together for the architects, and falling apart for the rest of us.

There is a generalized and spreading malaise growing in the underbelly of civilized society; a kind of anxiety psychosis which results in people becoming rude, hostile and aggressive for no reason at all.  It’s a subconscious reaction to feeling helpless as the wheels come off and the architects drag us all towards Armageddon.

People who were already sketchy or borderline are now going full-goose-bozo; and the rest of us aren’t far behind them on any given day thanks to pacification technologies like chemtrails, GMO food-like-products, HAARP, GWEN, fluoride…see the list!!  It seems half the NFL is up on domestic violence charges with new offenders named nearly every day, some with their own video.  Continue reading