How to Be Happy

How to Be HappyBarbara Dutcher, M.A. – The way to be happy when you see so much that seems ‘wrong’ in the world, is to remember that you are “in the world but not of the world” as the Bible states. This world is not your home – heaven is your home. But, you say, “we see the world of reality before our eyes every day and that is the world we have to live in!”

And I say, yes, so it would seem and yet if you will lift up your eyes, you will recognize that it could not be that God would have placed you in a world where so much suffering seems to be happening. Suffering is not the final reality, although it can seem very real. Continue reading

How to Be Unstoppably Happy

choiceJafree Ozwald – There are many people who have spent lifetimes striving to reach their dreams and goals which they believe will one day make them happy. Yet, most find themselves addicted to the pursuit of their vision, and the fantasy of what may come, instead of actually enjoying being happy in their lives today.

The truth is there are as many distractions inside us as there are on the outside of us, and they are ALL excuses that say it’s not possible to be happy right now. The secret we have discovered to becoming unstoppably happy is simply to see how happiness is not far away at all. It is always a choice readily available to you in each new moment. Continue reading

Boost Your Mood: Some Proven Ways to Find Happiness

Boost Your Mood: Some Proven Ways to Find HappinessAmelia Harris – Happiness isn’t just a fleeting emotion; it’s a state of being that can be nurtured and enhanced through science-backed techniques. Discover how to boost your mood and cultivate lasting happiness with these 10 proven methods.

In a world filled with stressors and challenges, the pursuit of happiness becomes more important than ever. Fortunately, happiness isn’t merely a stroke of luck but a science that can be understood and harnessed. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the research-backed strategies to elevate your mood and lead a more joyful life. Continue reading

Happiness: Insights from Research on Pleasure vs. Success

Happiness: Insights from Research on Pleasure vs. SuccessJohn Patterson – In a groundbreaking and illuminating research endeavor undertaken by the esteemed Department of Psychology, led by the erudite Dr. Paul Hanel, the enduring adage, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy,” has been resoundingly and empirically affirmed.

This comprehensive investigation delves profoundly into the intricate tapestry of human happiness, seeking to decipher the profound effects that prioritizing distinct values can wield upon our overarching sense of contentment and well-being. Continue reading

Is Happiness a Part of Your Ascension?

Is Happiness a Part of Your Ascension? Daniel Scranton – “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very interested in what makes humans happy, what brings you the most joy and puts you in the greatest amount of alignment that is possible. We witness you in many different scenarios, and we notice the ones that you thought would make you happy and compare those to the ones that actually do make you happy.

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