Sacred Site Memory Seed Crystal Activators And Prime Memory Seed Activators

Wisdom Teachings From Archangel Michael  AA Michael – Beloved masters, there are a great number of brave StarSeed souls who are Memory Seed Activators at many different vibrational-pattern levels. This is so that the memory seed atoms, which contain the new Aquarian divine blueprint, may be activated within pre-designated crystalline structures in the great caverns deep within the Earth.

Another part of the memory seed Activators’ Aquarian divine blueprint mission is to assist in the task of activating the newly created sacred sites or the specific, predetermined ley line conjunctions upon the earth’s surface.

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Love Waves In Our Hologram

The greatest illusion in this world is the illusion of separation. Things you think are separate and different are actually one and the same. — Guru Pathik

scienceMelissa Joy Jonsson – Often our individual and collective experiences are a result of fields with which we are knowingly or unknowingly in resonance through the hologram of consciousness. Change a field resonance in the hologram, and everything can change.

Although an understanding of science is not necessary for practical application and experience of the Fields, a general synopsis of principles relating to the science of consciousness and the possible nature of reality is provided here to support empowered interactive reality creation. However one does not need to understand the science to experience the power, love, and grace of the Fields.

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The War Within: Escape The Temporal Illusory Holographic Matrix

“When you see death, hunger, and sorrow try to know that each one of us chose this experience, even if we don’t now remember making that choice. Compassion is important and very distinct from anxiety, worry, fear and anger. These fear frequencies are all food for the astral-cooties, the mind parasites. As they say at the zoo: Don’t feed the animals!” – V S Ferguson

ManComputerMatrixV S Ferguson – The film The Matrix – the first of three – contained some fundamental truths that many around the planet instinctively responded to.

The universe is indeed a temporal illusory holographic matrix made up of varying frequencies, waveforms pulsating at specific vibratory rates. Beneath the Veil, the ‘curtain of each atom’, there really is nothing out there but a vast ocean of etheric energy, the AKASHA, the silent unheard sound. Continue reading

Stephen Hawking’s Final Words: We Live In ‘The Matrix’

 – Just before Stephen Hawking passed away in March, the renowned physicist claimed the universe is a computer simulation, just like the one portrayed in ‘The Matrix’ movies.

Ten days before his death, Hawking published his final and most groundbreaking theory on the origin of the universe – and to-date it has recieved very little media coverage. reports: As PBS reports, the new report, co-authored by Belgian physicist Thomas Hertog, counters the longstanding idea that the universe will expand for eternity.

If you asked an astrophysicist today to describe what happened after the Big Bang, he would likely start with the concept of “cosmic inflation.” Cosmic inflation argues that right after the Big Bang — we’re talking after a teeny fraction of a second — the universe expanded at breakneck speed like dough in an oven. Continue reading