New Moon In Cancer: Cosmic Security

Cancer new moonSalvador RussoA  long awaited cycle of family healing and prosperity begins in a few short hours with our next Cancer New Moon! Unprecedented forms and levels of security will be manifesting over the next six months to transform sensitive and secluded weaknesses into platforms of strength and promise. Nexus points of sustenance will burst into life as the cosmos revitalizes us all at the very roots of our mortal existence. Blessings are soon to rain upon all who have prayed for security!

I predict the following themes and events to manifest from the Cancer New Moon until the Full Moon in Cancer on December 25th:

– The elimination of family disease and unemployment

– Every form and kind of domestic repair and remodeling

– Precious endings to homelessness and hunger

– Proper diagnosis and treatment of lingering physical pain

– Spiritually inspired increases in family productivity

– Transitions of authority between family females Continue reading

5 Ways Your Healer Could Harm You Without Ever Meaning To

’[Doctors] are so afraid of offering false hope that we forget how powerful hope is as medicine. How can there such a thing as “false hope?” In my research on those who had spontaneous remissions from seemingly “incurable” illnesses, they all had hope – against all odds – and then miracles happened.” ~L Rankin

cartoon_doctorPatientMy mother had a sore neck, probably from Pilates class, she figured. So Mom went to her doctor, who ordered an X-ray. Upon reviewing the X-ray, her doctor ordered a CT scan for a week later. My mother asked her doctor why he was ordering more tests. Did he see evidence of osteoporosis? Arthritis? A slipped disc?

Without even making eye contact with her, Mom’s doctor said, “Could be metastatic cancer.” Then he promptly left the room.

Let me explain what was happening in my mother’s nervous system in that moment when my mother’s doctor said the words “metastatic cancer” without offering any comfort.

Mom was married to my father, a radiologist who read X-rays for a living, so Mom’s thinking rational forebrain knew that if the radiologist saw anything even mildly suspicious, he might order follow up testing and it wasn’t necessarily the end of the world.

But Mom’s rational forebrain was not in charge in the moment when her doctor said the words “metastatic cancer”. Instead, the amygdala in Mom’s primal brain flashed back to my father, who had died of metastatic cancer only a few years earlier. All her amygdala heard was, “Metastatic Cancer! A Certain Death Sentence!

When Mom’s amygdala heard the word “cancer”, her amygdala automatically signaled “danger” and the red alert fired off, flipping on Mom’s “fight-or-flight” stress response. Mom’s hypothalamus then released hormones that communicated with her pituitary gland, which communicated with her adrenal gland, and then BOOM! Her body was instantly filled with high levels of stress hormones like cortisol and epinephrine. Her whole body was now in what Walter Cannon at Harvard called the “stress response”. It was ready to outrun the threat, even though in reality, there was no threat to outrun. The only thing Mom could do was wait a week until her CT scan was scheduled.

You may not realize how much power your healer has to harm your health. Consider this:

1. When you’re scared by what your healer says, your self-repair mechanisms flip off.

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Paul Rosenberg ~ The Good Guys Are Not Coming To Save Us

The Daily Sheeple April 26 2013

Federal government of the United StatesA lot of Americans know that the US government is out of control. Anyone who has cared enough to study the US Constitution even a little knows this. Still, very few of these people are taking any significant action, and largely because of one error: They are waiting for “the good guys” to show up and fix things.

Some think that certain groups of politicians will pull it together and fix things, or that one magnificent politician will ride in to fix things. Others think that certain members of the military will step in and slap the politicians back into line. And, I’m sure there are other variations.

There are several problems with this. I’ll start with the small issues:

  1. It doesn’t happen. A lot of good people have latched on to one grand possibility after another, waiting for a good guy to save the day, and it just doesn’t happen. Thousands of hours of reading, writing and waiting are burned with each new “great light” who comes along with a promise to run the system in the “right” way, and give us liberty and truth. (Or whatever.) Lots of decent folks grab on to one pleasant dream after another, only to end up right back where they started… but poorer in time, energy and finances.
  2. Hope is a scam. It’s a dream of someday, somehow, getting something for nothing. People who hope do not act – they wait for other people to act. Hope is a tool to neuter a natural opposition: they sit and hope, and never act against you. Even the biblical meaning of hope is something more like expectation (or sometimes waiting) than the modern use of hope.
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Hope Or Trust

Energetic Connection February 22 2013

hopeHope is a four-letter word.

The dictionary defines hope as “desire accompanied with expectation for fulfillment.” My definition is similar, yet much less accommodating and certainly not so nice! Here it is:

H stands for helplessness. O stands for oppressed. P stands for passive. E stands for expectation.

michele geyerI stay away from that word, recently replacing it with “trust.” Trust carries a higher vibration, and “hope” is often just a mere step above victim, breeding powerlessness like a rabbit.

That’s part of a 2010 repost from my blog series on self-mastery and the levels of consciousness. SInce that time, so much more has been uncovered about languaging, visualization, brain waves, subconscious states and responses as they relate to our human potential to create and manifest.

Consider our constant state of transitional and evolutionary experiences: many of us are in a sort of post-pinnacle-limbo-state-of-being and even a bit of hopelessness right now. What we thought we knew last year, in fact the shift that so many looked upon hopefully, has not actualized in our 3D world. It’s just not manifest, here, now, in the way so many believed it would or could be.

Even so, and even more importantly now, it is our “job” to sustain the vision of peace, ascension, sanctuary, evolution, the betterment of mankind and our relationship to the planet…however we might “see it” as individuals.

Instead of hoping it will be, trust that it already exists.

The Western Mystery traditions use visioning practices to explore the inner realms, to invoke the divine and create sanctuary, often to evoke positive outcomes for the greater good. Essentially they use magic to hold ceremonial space, a picture of the inner temple and other realms.

There is no hoping involved. It’s an exercise of certainty and trust in both individuals and the group to make real what exists on the astral planes.

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