Sometimes You Just Need A Hug

connectionVeronica – Being in physical reality is not for the faint of heart.  Encapsulating the energy within and without seems always difficult.  Often an individual finds themselves adrift without a paddle, so to speak.

Incarnating means that you have chosen to separate from the source to become a human being.  It is a lonely existence especially if one recalls clearly the soul communion on the other side.

The lack of intimate connection can leave the most advanced  souls unbalanced and lost,

For those seeking connection in a very disconnected reality, it is important to extend out of yourself daily.

Decide that being in the reality is difficult but can be remedied by conscious connection with others. Continue reading

Rekindle Self Love Through 4 Simple Exercises

SelfLoveI do believe that all relationships are just a way to know thyself better. All experiences shared with others direct to yourself. At the end of the day, you only seek your own love, your own approval. The whole point of loving someone is to rekindle the love for yourself.

When you feel complete within yourself, you attract someone just like yourself. But the journey starts with you. If you try and change your reality first, you are only going to be waiting for your reflection to smile first. Kick start that journey of self love with four simple exercises.

Wake Up With A Hug

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The Hug Of The Century [Video]

A woman found a badly injured lion in the forest. She took it with her and nursed it back to health. When it was better, she made arrangements with a zoo to take the lion and give it a new and happy home. This video was taken when she returned to the zoo some time later to see how her lion was doing. Watch the lion’s amazing reaction when he sees her!


SF Source Vitality101  August 25 2014

(Thanks, Roman!)