Vitamin D Deficiency Symptoms Explained: The Top 9 Warning Signs

“While our skin does manufacture some of the vitamin D that we need daily, sun exposure alone is usually not enough. Factors such as the time of year, the angle of the sun, cloud cover, pollution levels and even the use of sunscreen can greatly limit the amount of D made by our skin.” ~A. Geib

VitaminDChartNaturalNews ~ The importance of vitamin D is well known. As far back as the 1930s, doctors first recognized the link between a vitamin D deficiency and the skeletal disease called rickets. Rickets causes a softening of the bones and teeth. Even if someone’s diet has adequate levels of calcium, without enough vitamin D to properly control calcium and phosphate levels in the blood stream, demineralization of the bones can take place. The symptoms of rickets include bowed legs, bone pain, dental problems, a widening of the wrists, frequent bone fractures and skull deformities.

Because rickets is seldom seen in first-world countries, it’s easy to think that vitamin D deficiencies are a thing of the past. However, new research has recently shed light on other, more subtle, symptoms of a vitamin D deficiency. Many illnesses which, at first glance, seem totally unrelated to something as physically obvious as rickets actually may have their roots in a lack of vitamin D.

Just what is vitamin D?

The term vitamin D, according to the Mayo Clinic’s Drugs and Supplements site (1), actually refers to several different forms of the vitamin, including D2, which comes from our diet, and D3, which is manufactured by our skin when exposed to sunlight. Vitamin D’s main purpose in the body is to regulate blood levels of calcium and phosphorous.

The sunshine vitamin?

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Do You Hear Perpetual High Pitched Frequencies? You’re Not Alone!

2012 The Awakening | September 23 2012

Many people are hearing high pitched frequencies which are not related to a Vitamin D deficiency or tinnitus.  From my research, I’ve found out that these frequencies are associated with your spiritual awakening process, more specifically, in remembering and Re-Remembering who you are.

History has repeatedly shown us that we have experienced spontaneous DNA upgrades though out our lineage, without any gradual changes in between lineages. These high pitched sounds and frequencies may be associated with a DNA upgrade.

masaru emoto and dna upgradeOur bodies are mainly compromised of water.  Recent studies have indicated that sounds and frequencies have an affect on water molecules, as evidenced by Masaru Emoto’s work with sound and the restructuring of water molecules.  Dr. Leonard Horowitz’s work with the holy harmony solfeggios has also indicated there are certain frequencies that affect our genetic structure and ability to heal from within.  On a cellular level, these frequencies and sounds are being converted to their most concentrated form of energy, vibration.

Our entire solar system is currently experiencing a dramatic climate change, including the outer planets in our galaxy.  This has baffled scientists because we are currently in a solar minimum.  As we travel further into the photon belt, the energies will continue to increase.  If these photon energies are associated with any type of minimal radiation, it will affect the genetic structure of our DNA.

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