Focus on What Needs to Be Cleared

Lions GateKate Spreckley – August is an energetically charged month where we are flooded with cosmic light that encourages transformation and the reclaiming of our inherent power as co-creators. There is a feeling of agitation that comes with this energy as new ideas, new creativity and new concepts clash with any preconceived ideas we have about ourselves, our purpose and our lives.

Be mindful that as reality shifts glimpses into new potentials and possibilities are offered and will reveal a way forward. Remember that this is a time of breakthroughs and breakdowns where we are offered the opportunity to become deeply conscious of that which stands in our way. Continue reading

Why I’m Committed to Something that Doesn’t Yet Exist

Paul Rosenberg – It’s a strange thing that so many people unquestioningly doubt, even oppose, anything that they can’t see, that they can’t count on with absolute certainty, or especially, that lacks the approval of authority.

New and useful things, as we’ve all observed, begin as things that can’t be seen… things with no evidence, no substance, and usually no pedigree. Name your convenience and it probably began that way.

But let’s move past older historical examples and simply jump to things that have happened in our own times:

♦  Where were personal computers a generation or two ago? Only in the dreams of a few hyper-technical types. It was a business grown mainly in garages and similar spaces. Continue reading

Oracle Report ~ Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Photo by Marie

Crescent Moon in Libra: challenge, perseverance

Goddess of Wisdom: Bhairavi (Goddess Who Fortifies the Heart)

God of Will/Desire: Kathe (God of The South)

Skill: accept what is being gradually realized as possible and ideal

True Alignments: beauty, returning to love, hardy and heart-y, letting go of feeling in the dark or left out, emergence of new ideas, cycles, seeing life as an unfolding adventure, new ventures, revolutionary ideas, justice, truth revealed, aha moments, flower remedies, keeping things simple

Catalysts for Change: restlessness, anxiety, paralyzed by fear of changes, bluntness that is rude, fear of new experiences, distrust, denial of or refusal to accept new opportunities, compromising oneself to remain secure or unchanged, dissatisfaction, not learning lessons or gaining wisdom

Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month: “a carrier pigeon fulfilling its mission”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres”

As the Sun discharges the energy of the Sabian symbol “daybreak: the luminescence of dawn in the eastern sky” today, we gradually start to have realizations, see opportunities, and enter realms of new possibilities.

The Moon will oppose Uranus (which is still located at the Eris Point – 21 Aries) at 10:22 am ET/2:22 pm ET. To some degree, unexpected things pop up — things we perhaps did not foresee. Like the dawn, the light is breaking through. Continue reading

Angel Messages For August 10 – 16, 2015 ~ Doreen Virtue’s Angel Oracle Card Reading [Video]

This is YOUR week, where you devote and invest time, energy, and money in building your future. It’s a major pivotal week, and if you trust and follow your ideas and intuition, they will pay off huge positive dividends.


You are extra intuitive this week, and it’s essential that you take action as you are guided. Don’t hesitate or allow yourself to be swayed by others’ opinions. Your feelings and ideas are on-point and trustworthy. Go for them!

Notes: Doreen is working with the Fairy Tarot Cards, which are available for pre-order at:

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The Operation Called “Engineered Consensus”

Jon Rappoport – This operation has various stages. It can be applied to issues like vaccination, GMO food, climate change, fake epidemics, elections, war—and it can be applied widely across the general subject of reality itself.

realityIt begins with some “authoritative” voice proclaiming an idea is a fact. Well, someone has to start the ball rolling.

Very quickly, according to plan, others pick up the ball and echo the original idea. This includes both “respected” individuals and groups. Media join in.

What follows is a scramble to gain public acceptance. All sorts of approaches are used in this stage of the process:

  • subsequent legalized coercion;
  • new laws and regulations hammered into existence;
  • expressions of shock that there are “still people who refuse to accept the obvious”;
  • general reminders that the idea being promoted represents the greatest good for the greatest number;
  • cooked and slanted scientific studies;
  • warnings that refusal to accept the central idea will have dire consequences “for all of us”;
  • attacks on dissidents and critics; Continue reading