Trust And Connect

Trust And ConnectIda Lawrence – We do get a bit bruised by life. How could we not? We’re here at a profound time; a time when people are in need of an actual ray of hope. While we can’t offer a solution to another’s life, we can offer our calmness, our encouragement, and whatever information we have that we know to be true.

Most of us are tied to the collapsing world for survival, so the endurance of our spirit gets tested. I don’t know about you, but sometimes I do hear that inner voice asking the question, “How deep is this trust of mine… will it withstand?” We need it to be deep. We need it to be the spring of living water. Continue reading

Shine Your Light From The Inside

Shine Your Light From The InsideKryon – I will give you this example.

Let’s pretend that in the old way of doing it, a good way so far, the only way you send light is that each of you has a wand of light, and you hold this wand of light in your hand. The coherence that you produce with the group you’re in lets everyone have that wand of light.

Now they’re in the coherence of light, and they all have the wand. It’s beautiful; it’s powerful. Continue reading

Full Moon in Taurus – Guided By Our Inner Light

inner lightSimon Vorster & Jennifer Langstone – With the remnants of the past rapidly disintegrating around us, the theme of the current lunar cycle (since the New Moon on October 9th) has been about liberating ourselves from the illusions that burn — those of deception, separation, lack, past pain, and the protections we build to try and shield ourselves from future pain.

Helping us to shake off the dynamics that have felt draining, tired and uninspiring, this lunar cycle has been a time for expressing our authentic inner self (come what may) and learning to trust that when we stand in our truth, our authenticity will be reflected back to us by the world around us — often in ways we could never foresee or anticipate.

Now, as the Full Moon in Taurus reaches its zenith, we are experiencing a total change in perspective as our focus shifts from transcending illusions (negative) to actualizing the will of our highest Self (positive) — a state that is fundamentally free of illusions! Guided by our unique inner light, we are learning to intentionally and meaningfully manifest our truth and authenticity in everything we say, do, create and be — and the result is magnificent! Continue reading

The Quiet Heart

Zen-Haven July 19 2013

The way to eliminate the weight or anguish of your life quickly is to begin to discipline and control the ego. There is no emotional pain that is not ego-driven. We don’t want to eliminate the ego completely. Otherwise we’d be wandering

around the house each morning, drinking coffee for hours, saying “Who the hell am I?” We need the ego to sustain a sense of identity.

However, if you’ll start by calling ego’s bluff, and understanding the games it gets you into, you can develop strategies for managing things better. You really don’t need any qualification or high-powered university degree to understand the psychology of the ego’s machinations. Its ways are predictable and easy to understand.

Watch when it suckers you into importance. Stifle it when it seeks more and more gratification. Ignore it when it offers a hundred questions. Answer most of its questions — let it know that you’re not interested and that you just don’t care.

When you experience frustration, look for the vision that’s denied. Look at the time frames you’ve invested that vision with. Develop patience. If you see yourself as an infinite being, you have all eternity. You can wait forever if needs be.

When angry, look for the loss. When you’re sad, also look for the loss — sadness is just another manifestation of the same reaction. It’s OK to be sad sometimes. Just agree to whatever loss is making you sad, then look for freshness and beauty and the life force. Happiness returns in a moment.

Remember, all mental weight comes from the interaction of two or more opposing forces in your mind — your reaction to circumstance, and your opinion or desire. You can fix most of the contradictions by controlling circumstances better and learning not to react when they don’t suit. If you have less resistance, your opinions and desires will be less rigid. You’ll learn to flow through life rather than fight your way along.

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