This is True in All Realities

This is True in All RealitiesDaniel Scranton – “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very adept at taking in all of your requests and bringing them all together so that none of the requests being made would cancel any of the others out. We know that it is possible for everyone there on Earth to get exactly what they want, without exception. We know this to be true because it is true.

You are coming to the point now where different realities are being allowed to coexist with one another. You are coming to the place where you are recognizing that two people can look at the same thing and see two entirely different things. Two people can hear the same word and hear something that is very different. Continue reading

How To Tap Into An Abundance Of Peaceful Thoughts

“In truth, you are spirit. The body has been projected by the mind, which itself originates from Spirit. If the wrong identification ceases, there will be peace and permanent, indescribable bliss.” – Ramana Maharishi

WaterWithRainbowJafree Ozwald – The greatest secret in life is knowing how to be completely at peace no matter what occurs. This takes mastery, yet is also easy enough for any teenager to do. When you are living fully in this real 3D world, truly open, honest and intimate with others, you will be forced into a deep discovery of peace.

The secret is knowing how to be completely non-attached to whatever you find because again everything is an emanation of the mind. This world is real and unreal, its like a 3D dream. Continue reading

10 Ways To Shift Your Consciousness

kindnessPaul Lenda – In moments of stress, anxiety and other intense harmful mind states that we experience within our lives, it can be difficult to have our focus on positive personal development.

The thought of becoming an enlightened sage radiating seemingly-perpetual positive energy can seem far off…an unattainable goal given life’s everyday problems.

True as it may seem to be, this is a mental mechanism that blocks our ability to seeing things for what they are, namely that “your Self is already inherently liberated. It is the ideas that have been imposed on that Self which must be set free”, as Gangaji once mused. Continue reading

How You Experience the Completion of The Shift

How You Experience the Completion of The Shift Daniel Scranton – “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are so very interested in the development of the new self that is taking place within each and every human being at this time. You are essentially shifting your consciousness from within by noticing that you are more than the identity that you had previously clung to as the real you. Now, as you transition from being an egoic being to being your higher self, this place you are in now is the most interesting and fascinating to those like us who observe this process of evolution. Continue reading

Look Back And Liberate Your Life

“There are no limitations to the self except those you believe in.” ~ Seth

no limitations to selfJafree Ozwald – There will come a time in the future, when you will have to look back at your life. You will examine your life, and tell yourself in some way that this was where you were a “success” and that was where you were a “failure”. Now, you are the only one who determines this based on how you feel inside. Something’s will matter to you more than others.

There might be one person you wanted to spend more time with, and other you felt the need to forgive yet couldn’t, and other who you tried to love yet didn’t know how. Whatever it is you feel you failed at in your past, you have the opportunity right now to change it! That’s right, you are not dead just yet. There is still time! You can change how you feel inside about yourself and your life. You can take action and have those conversations you most need to have. Continue reading