Tale of Two Temples

templeKatherine Frisk – The United States of America was founded on a federated system with small central government, where the individual states had a large degree of autonomy and control in the decision-making process as to the laws that they did or did not want to implement within their own regions. America was the land of opportunity where millions from Europe, the poor, the tired, the huddled masses who, with enough determination and hard work, made a decent life for themselves and their families.

Over the last 70 years since the end of WW2, the government in Washington D.C. has grown to such a degree that the Founding Father’s would not recognize it. Control has been centralized, and by incremental steps the states have lost and are losing more and more control over their own decision-making.

The same can be said of Europe where power has been centralized into the EU parliament. In both instances the standard of living for the average middle class person has declined dramatically in the last 20 years, global corporate monopolies have gobbled up every small, medium and large private business enterprise and a large sucking sound has been heard where wealth has vacuumed up to the top and into the pockets of the elites, while those on the ground have been left all the poorer for it.

Both regions have all the signs of becoming dictatorial, fascist police states where the voters aspirations and concerns do not count. As Martin Shultz of the EU recently proclaimed following the Brexit referendum: “It is Not the EU Philosophy that the Crowd can Decide its Fate.” In the USA, voter rigging ensures that the elite in society remain in power, while the will of the people is undermined. Continue reading

William Blake: The Reversal Of Intention And The Silencing Of The Lambs

blakeStephen J McAuliffe – Everything that is good and pure and noble, all the great music; art; and poetry will, in time, by necessity, be subverted and perverted by the self-serving so-called elites. For these agents of the State see us as mere units to be exploited and kept in perpetual darkness.

However, from time to time a great voice emerges to point out the brutality of the faceless men who steer the monolithic ship of state, and when this happens the dangerous message must be negated; or if too powerful and resonant a message, as William Blake’s undoubtedly was, then the intention must be reversed. Thus does the poem Jerusalem (which was actually Blake’s preface to the poem Milton) become twisted into a patriotic hymn for fat sons of privilege who without any discernible irony belt out the lines:

“And was Jerusalem builded here,
Among these dark Satanic Mills?”

The irony being of course, these sons of stolen privilege are drawn from the very bloodlines that profited from those same dark satanic mills.. And so the intention of Blake’s poem is purposefully corrupted by the lineal descendants of those who put our ancestors to work firing the furnaces of their pitiless industry. This is the reversal of intention. In short, it’s a con-job.

Blake’s vision of the attainment of Jerusalem, was set to music a century after writing, and before long it was relaunched as a patriotic hymn; an alternative national anthem: re-packaged, re-booted and re-branded. And once this nifty cultural enclosure act was complete, mythical Albion was relaunched as Albion plc. Continue reading