The Relevancy Of The Illustrated Protocols Of Zion

BATR  May 26 2014

“Apparently, according to Asa Bennett, Mark Gardner and the Huffington Post, merely voicing the opinion that the corporate media is owned by powerful people and that media ownership is becoming increasingly consolidated (both of which are manifestly provable facts), makes you a Jew-hating anti-Semite.” ~Sartre

ProtocolsOfZionDiscussing the subject, The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion requires courage and the willingness to fend off the predictable slurs. Immediate charges of anti-Semitism prove the lack of sincerity and scholarly dishonesty from the gatekeepers of the satanic global New World Order. Even an elementary understanding of historic events and Realpolitik realize that condemning an entire race, religion or ethnic group for the transgressions of evil elements in any tribe is fundamentally ludicrous on face value. However, most individuals who claim to be or identify themselves as Jews, are being played for suckers, because of their refusal to face the fact that some of their Zionist zealots are so willing to sacrifice less worthy of the “so called” chosen, when it furthers their purpose for world dominance.

In order to comprehend the significance of the scheme, the legendary David Duke has published The Illustrated Protocols of Zion book. His own summary description follows.

In my new book, I show that it is actually irrelevant if the original Protocols were written by Czarist agents or not. In fact, as I point out, they are in reality a highly predictive work of “faction”—much like George Orwell’s 1984, or Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World.

Although the characters and storyline in both those works are “fiction”, the idea, which underlay both those books, was most certainly fact. Thus, they were works of “faction”—just like the Protocols of Zion.

I show that in the case of the protocols, truth is stranger than fiction! For in this illustrated book, I show documents, quotes, photographs and facsimiles of Jewish Supremacist extremism that far exceeds even the assertions contained in the Protocols.

The original Protocols claim Jewish control over international banking. The Illustrated Protocols proves this in both text and illustrations.

The original Protocols claim that the Jewish extremists control the press. The Illustrated Protocols proves this with Jewish headlines and illustrations. Continue reading

Christian-Zionists Problem: Khazar DNA

BATR  April 21 2014


The recent breakdown in the latest round of peace negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians is no surprise. The Jerusalem Post reports in the article, Kerry hints: Israel to blame for deadlocked peace process, “US Secretary of State John Kerry appeared to blame Israel on Tuesday for dissolving a deal that would have extended negotiations with the Palestinians for nine months”. Prospects for any lasting accommodation always fails because Christian-Zionist incessantly supports a rogue ruling elite, who assert a heretical claim of being “Chosen”, when their tribe stems from descendants, other than Abraham. Until this apostate doctrine is debunked and discarded, no peaceful political settlement is possible.

It is crucial to understand that Zionist (Khazarian Jews) Historical Claim to Israel is Unfounded. “The Cabala, their most revered book, is a hoax. Similarly, as Alfred Lillienthal explained in this key 1953 essay, their claim to Israel is yet another ruse.  Zionism and the NWO are partly a recrudescence of Khazar imperialism.”


The video, Why Evangelists and Khazars hate this video, provides a needed historical analysis. Then if you are intrigued with this primer, you can investigate the huge library of links on the site.

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Waking Up To The Holographic Universe

VeteransToday  October 26 2013

Humanity is in a crisis, most humans are stuck in ancient myth yet we have developed every kind of technology and weaponized it turning everything lethal.

Don’t eat the GMO vegetables, don’t breath the chem trailed laced air, don’t eat the radioactive tuna, don’t watch the poisoned television programming. Technology has progressed at an unbelievable pace yet much of humanity are stuck in 4,000 year old myth.

The innocuous analog amp meter hanging on the outside of your house, that spins slow to fast measuring current flow is now a ‘power’ meter of the elite, they can spy on you or even turn your power off remotely. Friendly technology turned ugly by evil minds, they did it because they could do it, they are applying their will against us.

Humans have big brains that are self aware, inventive, creative. They can be used for anything good or bad, a relative judgment we assign to things. Will we as a specie make it? I am not so sure and as a betting man I would say the odds favor more destruction. I think a few of us will make it but it will at very great cost, more bloodshed then we have ever seen before. We are currently careening toward doomsday of our own making. What can save us from certain doom? You can’t save the world but you can save yourself, personal transformation is the key to your survival.

The Holy Book Isn’t

The crisis is a big brain crisis, humans have big brains and are using them for destructive purpose. We are the fascist planet of the Apes. We need an apocalyptic transformation of our minds. The crisis is forcing humanity to change. Will you change or be the dinosaur that goes extinct? It’s up to you. What are we going to do, pray to the war god for peace? That probably won’t work. We must rewrite our myths and remove the destroyer god from our minds, we must ditch the holy books that are driving our culture straight to hell.

Most people don’t realize that the Bible is a doomsday book and Christians are a death worshiping cult. The Bible teaches that history ends and everything gets destroyed by the savior god that comes back in vengeance. Sounds appealing to those under the spell. We worship death and think we are going to heaven.

Those in the cult are blinded by the memes, they can’t see like a fish that is unable to detect water.

Want out of hell?

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