The System Won’t Survive the Robots

Paul Rosenberg – It’s really just a matter of time; the working man’s deal with his overseers is half dead already. But there’s still inertia in the system, and even the losers are keeping the faith. Hope dies slowly, after all.

Nonetheless, the deal is collapsing and a new wave of robots will kill it altogether. Unless the overseers can pull back on technology – very fast and very hard – the deal that held through all our lifetimes will unwind.

We All Know the Deal

We usually don’t discuss what the “working man’s deal” is, but we know it just the same. It goes like this:

If you obey authority and support the system, you’ll be able to get a decent job. And if you work hard at your job, you’ll be able to buy a house and raise a small family.

This is what we were taught in school and on TV. It’s the deal our parents and grandparents clung to, and it’s even a fairly open deal. You can fight for the political faction of your choice and you can hold any number of religious and secular alliances, just as long as you stay loyal to the system overall.

This deal has been glamorized in many ways, such as, “Our children will be better off than we are,” “home ownership for everyone,” and of course, “the American Dream.” Except that it isn’t working anymore, or at least it isn’t working well enough.

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How government owns people: Australia

“I once worked for a corporation. I quit. I wondered whether I could do the same thing to the government. It was like trying to balance a greased watermelon on one finger.” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)

 Jon Rappoport – There are various ways to calculate how government owns people. The simplest is: through money.

Aside from taxes, this would translate into government jobs and welfare.

People who receive some or all of their income through their rulers tend to be on the side of government. They’re certainly dependent on government.

australianLook at Australia, a nation with a population of 23.1 million people.

As The Guardian reports (8/13), out of a total of 11.5 million Australian jobs, 1.9 million (16.4%, 1 out of 6) are for government. And this does not include the Defence Department (58,000 jobs).

As reported by Peter Whiteford, in “FactCheck: Is half to two-thirds of the Australian population receiving a government benefit?”, at, about 50% of all Australian households receive some form of government $$ assistance.

I haven’t found figures for how many Australian companies are government contractors, but you can be sure the number and the money are large. All those employees are receiving government money.

Then there are numerous “state-owned enterprises,” which are companies wholly owned by government. Their employees are ultimately getting their paychecks via government $$.

Seeing the picture?

You can analyze other industrialized nations and find similar conditions.

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Obama, Hillary(Bill), Bush, “Income Inequality And Violence”

“There are lots of ways to destroy communities. One of the most successful is: take jobs away. Cancel jobs. Then, cover this plot with lies about poverty and inequality. Set race and against race: tap into human feelings and the mind in their vulnerable areas—where hatred and rancor can be stimulated. Thus, distract everyone from the truth.” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)

The big lie

jobsThe US, England, Australia, Canada— everywhere you go you see the same specter and the same lying politicians:

The specter is Globalism and its effects—the open secret mainstream pols refuse to talk about.

The Globalist truth is simple, and it has been simple since the 1940s: If a government pushes a policy that sends jobs to foreign countries where labor is cheap, economic ruin follows at home.

It doesn’t take a genius or even an economist to figure it out.

Here in the US, Presidents and would-be Presidents babble on about wanting to reduce poverty while they covertly support stealing jobs and more jobs from US cities and towns.

This is Hillary Clinton. This is her husband, Bill, and George W Bush and Barack Obama.

“Weep for the poor. Pump in more welfare cash. Fix income equality. (Steal jobs).”

They know exactly what they’re doing, they know the lies they’re telling, they know the transnational corporations they’re backing, they know where the jobs are going. Continue reading

How The Press And Politicians Lie About Economic Statistics [Audio]

Ry Dawson  April 2 2014

The unemployment rate is not U3. The rate of inflation is much higher than what is admitted and the jobs reports are not even reporting what they lead you to believe they measure.
Full interview here… We also talk about the economics of Japan and the recent hike in the consumption tax.
