Love works – Love encourages – Love inspires

 John Smallman | January 1 2012

In truth all are one, and in the coming year this will become increasingly apparent as you continue purposefully onwards towards the moment of your awakening. It will be a moment of enormous significance, culminating in wondrous celebrations. You have, of course, heard this many times before but it needs to be repeated because, for many, daily life continues to be experienced as an exhausting and seemingly endless struggle for survival, which can easily distract you from focusing your attention on your purpose for being here – to carry the divine Light on high and show others the way.

As way-showers your faith in God’s Love for you and in His Will for you to awaken is unshakable, although at times doubts do arise when you are living through periods of great personal stress.  Remind yourselves that His Love for you is infinite, and because it is His Will there is no way that you can fail to awaken into your fully-conscious state – it is divinely ordained.

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You Are All Perfect, Enveloped In The Divine Energy Field

John Smallman | Jesus Through John
November 13 2011

EnergyYou are always enveloped in the divine energy field, and as you open your hearts to release unloving attitudes and behavior, and accept the abundance of God’s infinite Love for you, the field strengthens and intensifies in response to your acceptance of It. Due to this energy intensification there are only a very few who do not sense Its loving energy and are therefore unable to respond by opening to receive It. To be incarnate on Earth at this time is to take advantage of the most wonderful opportunity because everyone is invited to awaken from the nightmare into the eternal joy of Reality. For eons people have been seeking their way out of the sorrow, pain, and suffering in which it seems to enclose you, and now the effect of the divine energy field is approaching peak intensity to ensure that all who desire to awaken will do so.

All that you have to do to enable you to awaken is to accept your Father’s divine invitation; it truly is as simple as that. However, many of you may experience difficulty in accepting it because you still harbor anger and resentment against those who have hurt you, and you cannot envisage sharing Heaven with them because you still consider them too unworthy and unacceptable to be there with you – it would not be Heaven if they were there too!

Everyone who has ever had a human life has at some stage mistreated or hurt others, so when you awaken you will be surrounded by ”sinners”! The illusion provides you with a multitude of learning experiences, and the lessons you need to learn are: acceptance, forgiveness, and love – a very simple task. . . and that is all. Then you need to live them, which is when you encounter difficulties. Consequently, it is essential to keep reminding yourselves that you are manifesting an illusion, and that nothing you experience within it ever really happens. You are all perfect divine beings who are asleep, and you are only dreaming all the horrible experiences that cause you so much pain and anxiety.

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All That Remains Is For You To Awaken

by John Smallman | Jesus Through John
November 6 2011

godThe moment of awakening is almost upon you as the last few preparations for your divine homecoming are completed, and you again enjoy your God-given natural state as all-loving, all-knowing, and fully alive beings of great wisdom. That is how you were created and so that is what you are because it is the divine Will, and your will is inseparable from God’s. All that remains is for you to awaken, know yourselves as you truly are, and enjoy the celebrations that have been laid on for this magnificent event.

For the short time remaining before you awaken, continue to focus your attention on maintaining loving and compassionate attitudes at all times in your daily lives as this strengthens and intensifies the divine energy field that is bringing this moment to fruition. Holding on to judgments that blame and condemn those misguided ones who have sought wealth, self-aggrandizement, influence, and power over others through their egoic agendas makes it much more difficult for you to awaken. Negative attitudes like those would cause you extreme discomfort in an environment composed of infinite unconditional Love.

Those who have attempted to control you – remember, no one controls you because you are divine sovereign beings – in your illusory world are engaged in the same game as you are, namely, pretending to be separated from God, and hiding from Reality. And in that game you have all played all the roles – master and slave, abuser and victim, persecutor and martyr, holy one and wicked one – at one time or another. And however convincing the experience has been for you, in truth it has not happened. Nevertheless, every single one of you experiencing the illusion made it their own personal choice to do so, and chose the circumstances, roles, and situations in which they find themselves. So judging and blaming is quite counterproductive as it supports and maintains the illusion as you attempt to control and direct it for either good or evil. Taking sides only divides and leads to war.

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