Police Now Illegally Seize More Money than the Criminals

policeDamon Geller – Times continue to be terrifyingly desperate for fiscally insolvent federal and state governments. According to a recent bombshell from the Washington Post, the police and the entire executive branch of government seize billions of dollars a year from citizens, without any shred of due process or proof that a crime has been committed! The total unconstitutional police seizures now exceed $4.5 billion per year, more than all burglary offenses.  This means that the police are now seizing more assets than the criminals! Why? Because our state & federal governments are broke, bankrupt and in desperate need of capital. So they’re expanding The Police State to unlawfully gain access to citizens’ money. Experts advise that you have only ONE choice if you want to protect your savings and retirement from government confiscations and seizures.

Government on the Brink of Disaster

The U.S. government and the Fed pumped trillions of dollars of YOUR money into the banks and stock market over the last several years, catapulting the U.S. debt to $28 trillion by 2018. But now, the U.S. government and the Fed are completely out of ammo, with the Fed no longer able to buy U.S. treasuries. They desperately need money to maintain their own power, and taxes are not enough. So government officials are doing everything they can to keep the Ponzi scheme going, such as seizing the public’s money through inflation, deficits, and outright confiscation.

The Bill of Rights under Siege

The 4th Amendment to the Constitution reads clearly: “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated.” Continue reading