Redefining Liability: AI Tools and Legal Responsibilities

Redefining Liability: AI Tools and Legal ResponsibilitiesCharles Hugh Smith – AI is like the powerful character in an action movie who looks invincible until they turn around, revealing a fatal spear embedded in their back. The spear in AI’s back is the American legal system, which has been issuing free passes to tech companies and platforms for decades on the idea that limiting innovation will hurt economic growth, so we’d best let tech companies run with few restrictions.

The issuance of free passes to Tech monopolies / cartels and platforms may be ending. Letting Big Tech run with few restrictions has led to the smothering of innovation as tech monopolies do what every monopoly excels at, which is buy up potential competitors, suppress competition, pursue regulatory capture via lobbying and spend freely on deceptive PR. Continue reading

Ways the Deep State Betrays Americans

Ways the Deep State Betrays AmericansJ. B. Shurk – Why is it that whenever I call customer support to get a replacement for my broken America, I end up on the line with an operator from China? I kid…but only a little.

Four separate stories this last week hit the nail on the head:

(1) In defending America’s two-tiered (in)justice system currently dedicated to covering up Biden family crimes while persecuting Trump and his supporters, Gestapo chief Merrick Garland had the audacity to declare that any condemnation of the secret police “constitutes an attack on an institution that is essential to American democracy and essential to the safety of the American people.” Continue reading

Signs We’re in a Banana Republic

Signs We’re in a Banana RepublicJ. B. Shurk – Satirist Sol Luckman defines “banana republic” in his irreverent glossary, The Angel’s Dictionary, as a “lawless society where the monkeys rule.”

Looking around the United States today, it’s hard to say we don’t fit his meaning.  Nearly 80% of Americans believe we live under a two-tiered system of justice.  Likewise, in Gallup’s recent survey of Americans’ confidence in U.S. institutions, it notes, “This year’s poll marks new lows in confidence for all three branches of the federal government — the Supreme Court (25%), the presidency (23%) and Congress.”  Continue reading

Suspected of a Crime? Here’s What You Need to Know

policeBeing accused of a crime can be a frightening and stressful experience, especially if you’re innocent. Police likely won’t provide you with any helpful information beyond what’s constitutionally required, either. Understandably, they don’t want to risk letting a felon escape. Unfortunately, that doesn’t bode well for you.

If you’re under suspicion or being accused or arrested, there are things you can and should do. We’ve listed a few of the most critical tips below to help you understand your options and rights. Continue reading

Did Rap Music Pull The Trigger?

Beyond A Crime of Music

RapperTinyDooSHIFT FREQUENCY – While jailed San Diego Rap musician, Brandon, “Tiny Doo,” Duncan makes his political statement all the way to trial this Friday, Jan 23, 2015, he jeopardizes his freedom to defend his innocence and his art. He has been in a San Diego jail for almost six months. While it would seem a given that he will be found innocent, the recent history of new US legislation, and the results of jury trials applied to civil rights issues peculiar to law enforcement and African-Americans, make the upcoming trial more of a dice-roll than should be. The result will go far beyond personal freedom for Tiny Doo Duncan.

Draconian laws that circumvent, redefine or directly attack the foundation of once vaunted American constitutional protections, like the Bill of Rights and the First Amendment are, in these troubled times, implemented with increasing regularity at the state and federal levels of law. Lowlights include, the correctly reviled 2012 NDAA (National Defense Appropriations Act) “earmarks” (Sects. 1023 and 1026) which continued the civil rights damage of the Patriot Act that was first  to gut the aforementioned protections, including such world-wide legal fundamentals as Habeas Corpus. These, and other recent subversive laws, set the precedent that justifies prosecutors, such as Dana Greisen, pursuing unconstitutional, and therefore illegal, criminal theories against innocent citizens. Sect.182.5 is merely a tool. Continue reading