The 3 Hurdles To Enlightenment

BeautyJafree Ozwald ~ The magnificent divine being that you are can easily be discovered in the next few months of your life. You simply need to be committed to dropping every idea your mind continues to create about who you are, and who you are not. By consistently letting go of the storehouse of thoughts, beliefs and concepts you hold tightly about yourself and welcoming an unlimited potential energy, you will soon make room inside your being for an awesome spiritual awakening experience to occur.

Enlightenment begins with the process of unraveling yourself. You first must understand the difference between who you are, and who you believe yourself to be before you can “unlearn” it all and experience total liberation. Get to know yourself. Discover what makes you tick and what makes you ticked off. Acknowledge that the thoughts you’ve formed around your body, reputation, bank account, and overall identity represent only a fracture of the sacred contents of your spiritual essence. The moment you recognize and know the truth of who you really are, the ideas you associate yourself with will seem silly, and simply drop away on their own accord. It’s very enlightening to experience the deep sloughing off of all these mini-identities until there is nothing left but your pure essential nature.

The more intimately you know yourself, the easier it is to find and free all the limiting ideas you have about you. It’s not that you should try to fix, change, or resist having ideas about yourself. This would simply create more suffering. The secret to enlightenment is simply not identifying with or resisting any ideas at all because you know you are pure consciousness. This sweet awareness and soul who you is so infinitely vast that there truly is no thought which can describe your real brilliance. Continue reading