Crystal Healing For Cats

Animal Energy | July 30 2012

“Topaz with amethyst” photo courtesy of Hibiscus Moon

Crystals are vibrational healing tools that work through resonance. They have been used in healing humans for centuries and in last few decades have been adopted for healing felines as well. Each crystal has a specific vibrational frequency and amplitude that reverberates or resonates with, and attracts the energies of certain qualities or traits to a cat. Think of this as the unique “personality” of a crystal.

Crystal healing is a non-invasive, harmless modality that works on any living being. In cats it can be used for balancing and calming emotions, reducing stress and fear, clearing energy blockages, energizing and rejuvenating the physical body, treating common ailments and assisting with both acute and chronic conditions. It can also be used to encourage expanded states of consciousness. When using crystals in healing, it is important to be centered, balanced and grounded, and to have a clear intention for the outcome you desire, otherwise your thoughts, fears and imbalances may easily be transmitted to a cat through their conductive energy.

There are a number of ways to use crystal healing with felines. An important consideration is that if a crystal is small, your cat will probably think it’s a toy, and will bat it around until it is lost.

One of the best ways to use crystal healing for novices is via hands-on healing. This can be done by using either a predetermined crystal layout, or your own intuition. Hands-on healing takes time, but you can be much more precise about the area you’re working on, and for the length of time you are directing the energy. You can also incorporate crystal points to extract or channel in energy, and you’re there to witness the (often rewarding) reaction of your cat.

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