Is the US a Carefully Constructed “Mock-Up?”

unitedJanet Phelan – Those familiar with settings for Hollywood movies will recognize that there is a difference between façade and structure. In the case of celluloid, a “mock-up” may be used to simulate a structure without, however, its three-dimensional and functional integrity. A mock-up may look like what it is simulating, but on close examination, it will become apparent it is only a Sim.

A “mock up” may be defined as follows: a “full sized scale model used for demonstration, study or testing.”

This article will explore the possibility that, far from being a Constitutional republic, that the United States is, in fact, a “mock-up” and a Sim.

First, we must ask the questions: “What is the United States? How do we define this entity? And are there indications that the definitions do not describe the reality?” This would be our first clue that the US may be a Sim.

For most purposes, the United States can be described in two ways: 1) As a system of laws which define it and 2) As a territory, circumscribed by its borders.

Is The US A System Of Laws?

The first definition quickly breaks down under scrutiny, as the reality peeks out behind the Sim. As described in Article 1 of its founding document, the US Constitution states: “All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.”

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“Law” as a Jedi Mind Trick

legislationPaul Rosenberg – About half the time it is used, possibly more, the word “law” is nothing more than a Jedi mind trick. There is nothing noble, righteous, or even ‘conservative’ about it. It’s a way for you to be abused via ignorance and inertia.

We’ve all seen this trick in action, of course. It’s very common. And, sadly, more or less all of us have fallen (or rather, were pushed) into it at some point. That complicates things because people generally don’t like to admit their errors.

Nearly all of us have been taught, repetitively, to “respect the law,” and because of those teachings, nearly all of us have decided certain things must be right, simply because they were “the law.”

We decided this, not because we understood the benefits that would follow certain actions, but because of the aforementioned ignorance and inertia.

It’s important to be clear on this: To uncritically, reflexively obey is not respect… it is to hold “the law” above reason… above reality. That, in simple terms, is worship.

Saying, “Everyone else did it too,” makes this no better.

It is also common for obedience to follow intimidation: Obey, or else… armed men will hurt you; teacher will shame you; the other kids will laugh at you; important people will criticize you in public. Please note all of these are primitive, degrading reasons. But they were thrust upon us as small, coerced children, and they very often stuck.

The really damaging part, however, comes after you obey reflexively or fearfully: when you leap to justify your past actions. Not many of us enjoy admitting our errors, but if we want to become honest, conscious adults, that is precisely what we need to do.

“But, but…”

Yes, yes, I know the same automated slogans:

Without the law, all would be chaos and death! Continue reading

Criminal Bankers And The Military Industrial Complex

lawKatherine Frisk – Looks to me like nothing has changed. The pieces on the chess board have moved slightly, ever so, but basically they are still the same. And the same story line is in play.

Let’s put it all into some perspective. 2,000 years ago we had a dogmatic and corrupt priesthood with a High Temple Priest in the form of Caiaphas. We had a ruling class, a monarchy, the Herodian Kings who killed their own wives and children, were sexually promiscuous, married their own sisters and murdered anyone who was opposed to them. And we had the Legion. The Roman military industrial complex of the time.

What do we have today? We have a dogmatic priesthood with a Papacy that has, over the last 1,000 years burned millions at the stake who refused to bow to their authority. An Inquisition that is still in place and has not been deconstructed. A priesthood finally exposed for child sex abuse that has been endemic for centuries, and a Pope named Benedict who basks in luxury retirement. The Vatican Bank has defrauded the planet of trillions. Yet they call themselves a Church and market themselves as “Christians.”

According to many sources this is where the tax revenues of nations finally end up. Tax revenues are not used for the benefit of the people who pay them, but for the benefit of the “Catholic” (meaning universal) institution that has designated itself as the owner of the planet, all bodies on the planet and all souls.

All roads lead to Rome

According to one recent commentator, the President of the United States takes instruction from the Vatican and in return is given a billion dollar Vatican account, all untraceable of course. The minions are none the wiser.

The money lenders in the Temple who Yeshua whipped – thus sealing his fate on the cross – continue their criminal usury system, turning the world into debt slaves through the Zionist Bankers, the World Bank and the IMF. According to some Goldman Sachs owns the world. Rothschild is said to be the Vatican’s banker and in the catacombs of this audacious structure are buried gold bars and treasure stolen from nations around the world. Continue reading

Debunking Magna Carta Leads Back To Serfdom

magna cartaPaul Craig Roberts – In my column for the 800th anniversary of Magna Carta, I wrote: “A number of legal scholars have made the irrelevant point that the Magna Carta protected rights of the Church, nobles, and free men who were not enserfed, a small percentage of the population in the early 13th century. We hear the same about the US Constitution–it was something the rich did for themselves. I have no sympathy for debunking human achievements that, in the end, gave ordinary people liberty.”

My celebration of this document was reposted today on a number of websites including as far away as Hong Kong. But the New York Times and a dolt of a law professor at the University of Chicago named Tom Ginsburg chose to debunk the Magna Carta on its 800th anniversary. “Stop Revering Magna Carta,” Ginsburg tells us.

Ginsburg alleges that the Magna Carta “wasn’t effective. In fact, it was a failure.” The law professor maintains that Magna Carta’s fame rests on myths, not on reality.

What absolute nonsense. In this age of American Caesars, we need to celebrate the Magna Carta, not debunk it. Continue reading