Embrace Abundance Consciousness in Relationships

Jafree Ozwald | May 5 2012

“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all of the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” ~ A Course in Miracles

We each experience a certain level of consciousness with everyone we are relating to. If you are relating to a co-worker, friend, boss, lover, life partner, or even still seeking to meet the next love of your life, abundance consciousness is necessary in manifesting that highest connection that makes the ride worthwhile. You see, abundance consciousness isn’t just essential for attracting money, it is also crucial for magnetizing the connection that meets you on the deepest level. When you operate from the abundance paradigm, you know deep down that there is a plethora of amazing beings out there with which you can have an empowering, healthy and fulfilling connection. You also know in your heart that there is an abundance of love to be shared with the one you are currently relating to. When you are steeped in feeling abundant and free, there is nothing you find lacking in yourself or the other, and every block you find in your connection becomes a doorway to the Divine.

The bigger truth is that at the core of all energy in this wild crazy world is the vibration of Love. There are as many people in this world that love you, as the level of love you have for yourself. When you honor yourself to create a higher form of relationship with you, other just follow right along with the path you’ve carved. Any old belief systems that were keeping this super expansive connection from showing up are melted away when the Truth is felt, seen and believed. There is nothing separate from love. Every war, divorce, abuse and negative situation you see on TV deep down is an expression of love in an armored and wounded disguise. Abundance consciousness is what removes the mask to let this real Love become visible.

“Like the air you breathe, abundance in all things is available to you. Your life will simply be as good as you allow it to be”. ~ Abraham Hicks

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