How The Mind Affects And Builds Reality

LifeforceApp Jane Harwood – It’s not something that’s easy to understand, so when I met with retired psychology professor Gerard Muise and his wife psychology expert Marie Lise Lavoie, I had a ton of questions.

For the past fifteen years they have been exploring a phenomenon that has been haunting them.

Do our thoughts really affect outcomes?

Does the universe really provide information for us?

They’d been pondering these questions ever since their first contact years ago with the Princeton studies showing “an interaction of human consciousness with physical devices”. It wasn’t until they retired that they got to fully explore this marvel.

They eagerly tell me that their first confirmation came when they built a True Random Number Generator (TRNG) apparatus that untouched would generate ones and zeros. They tested it with a number of different people, who would will the computer generated spoked wheel to turn to the right or left simply with their minds, and astonishingly it did. Sometimes it even turned multiple full 360 degrees in the same direction. Oftentimes people who agreed with the theory would have greater success, and bonded couples also had better results.

“We couldn’t believe it but the data was there,” said Lavoie. “ We kept checking it over and over, wondering how it could be. The influence of the mind appeared even more powerful than we could have ever imagined. We kept testing using different methods and we are now confident that consciousness does indeed affect and build our reality.”

They continued to tell me that this was the first of many experiments they conducted, all of which continued to support the theory time and time again. The couple says this finding can give a whole new meaning to one’s belief system and how one can influence the outcome of any given circumstance. Continue reading