Love works – Love encourages – Love inspires

 John Smallman | January 1 2012

In truth all are one, and in the coming year this will become increasingly apparent as you continue purposefully onwards towards the moment of your awakening. It will be a moment of enormous significance, culminating in wondrous celebrations. You have, of course, heard this many times before but it needs to be repeated because, for many, daily life continues to be experienced as an exhausting and seemingly endless struggle for survival, which can easily distract you from focusing your attention on your purpose for being here – to carry the divine Light on high and show others the way.

As way-showers your faith in God’s Love for you and in His Will for you to awaken is unshakable, although at times doubts do arise when you are living through periods of great personal stress.  Remind yourselves that His Love for you is infinite, and because it is His Will there is no way that you can fail to awaken into your fully-conscious state – it is divinely ordained.

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