Lilith & Luna


Sarah Varcas – The Moon is full in the 2nd degree of Sagittarius at 9:16 p.m. UT on 21st May. Occurring less than 24 hours prior to the end of Mercury retrograde, this Moon signals a shift of perspective. Events of the past three weeks begin to reveal a deeper significance now and through the coming month. What may at first have seemed an unlikely possibility becomes all the more real as time passes and events unfold. Plans thrown off course due to unforeseen circumstances reveal the potential of their new configuration. What we thought we ‘knew better’ about affirms we knew very little and there was a whole heap of possibility previously overlooked.

This is a positive Moon with an uplifting tone and encouraging demeanor. That said, she poses a challenge too, our response to which will colour the weeks to come. Conjunct retrograde Mars she calls forth courage and appeals especially to those who identify as spiritual warriors, seeing through the seductions of an unconscious world, whilst living in that world full-blooded and passionate: engaged, enlivened and entranced by its paradoxical beauty.

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Eleven-Eleven New Moon

lilithM. Kelley Hunter –  The Moon makes a series of positive planetary connections leading up to this new lunar cycle. Mercury closely accompanies this Scorpio New Moon, indicating deep considerations and research over the next two weeks of the waxing moon. Some of the best insights come from dreams and spiritual realms, with healing import. Think of a snake shedding its outworn skin. Be gentle, we can’t force the process. As we share our perceptions we find common ground beyond manmade boundaries. Universal truths prevail.

Scorpio is a oft misunderstood and much maligned sign. It’s depth and intensity is daunting for many (including some Scorpios), and its water sign sensitivity is not always appreciated. Scorpio feels into the depths. An all-or-nothing tendency may reject certain things immediately as being non-meaningful or mis-timed. Sometimes we are just not ready to take something in or to handle the implications of what we do. When Scorpio does let something or someone in, s/he can be whole-hearted about it, plunging in all the way like a deep sea diver. A rule of diving is that you resurface slowly. Otherwise you get “the bends,” or decompressions sickness, in which dissolved gases create bubbles in the body system that create dangerous symptoms and can be lethal. We learn to rise from the depths slowly, pausing as needed before ascending to the surface.

Mars is one ruler of Scorpio, presently perched on the edge of Virgo-Libra, evoking the open-eyed justice of Maat, Goddess of divine harmony and universal truth. The Virgo High Priestess holds the Scales of Libra, weighing her Feather of Truth with the heart and soul. What is your truth? Moving into Libra on the day after this New Moon, we seek peace and balance. As we engage in dialogue, some folks will be pushing, maneuvering for their agendas, often hidden. Some negotiate with good faith. Continue reading