3 Ways To Become Lucid While You’re Awake

ManGrassMountainsSkyWe have all heard of lucid dreaming before. Lucid dreaming is the act of waking up within your dream, and becoming aware that you are operating within a dream world. Everything around you becomes a little more saturated with colour and life as the realization sits in that the world around you is yours to create. You can fly, manipulate matter, and influence the behaviour of other characters in your dream.

More profound than the new abilities you have is the underlying sense of being present in a realm of dreams. Sometimes, it has almost moved me to tears while being in a lucid dream. It’s so beautiful. One of the best parts about lucid dreaming is the profound implications they can have on our experience of reality. I once had a lucid dream where it felt more real than real life. There are times where I know I am lucid within a dream, but this felt so hyper-real I couldn’t decipher between lucid dream and reality anymore.

Then I thought to myself, “If I can’t tell the difference between this and real life, how can I be so certain that ‘real life’ is not a dream also?”. A few moments after that, I found myself awake in my bedroom, hovering four feet over my body looking around my room which had now become illuminated by my astral body. Continue reading

Where Are We When We’re Not Here?

“To say we are continually held in place by our physical body is like saying a rain cloud will never surrender a drop of water. Sooner or later thoughts will wander and stray and raindrops will fall in a staccato rhythm consistent with the mood and energy of the moment.” J Wash

Image Source: http://nhne-pulse.org/dream-the-greatest-movie-ever-made/colorful-drawing-of-woman-dreaming/

Dear Humans, Today I would like to return to your awareness an aspect of the Human condition that ventures past the confines of the physical realm and into the vast and infinite beyond. It’s our nature to migrate away from our bodies although we never really think of it that way. It’s not difficult to see that we’re not entirely in one place all of the time. Our thoughts are often elsewhere, transitory and elusive, and virtually immune to the entanglements of time and space. We are free to go anywhere— to visit the past and present and even walk future paths replete with its uncertainties.

So how much of you are with us at this moment? If you were to hazard a guess what percentage might you come up with? For my part, I feel no more than eighty to ninety percent “here” as I write this article. My ten to twenty has wandered off again, much to the displeasure of my editor who has reminded me I’m up against a deadline. My thoughts typically stray to faraway places and familiar faces. And where my thoughts go— I go.

In the following paragraphs we will use our nets of wonder to try and capture that fleeting butterfly bouncing freely out before us. It’s my supposition that we are mostly where our “thoughts” take us. Here we find that distance is relative. Two people can be a thousand miles apart and still feel closely connected. Likewise, many of us know the feeling of being near someone yet feeling as though they are a million miles away. It’s not enough to be physically close when the butterfly has left the garden.

Welcome to Dream Land

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Dream Warriors

Zen-Haven April 9 2013

When you dream, meditate, or enter trance states and experience visions, you are basically entering into the collective human subconscious.

The collective human conscious and subconscious are not conceptual or hypothetical things. The collective conscious and subconscious exist as very real holographic fields of etheric forces, particles, and strings — the composition of human energy fields connected and woven together in the formation of a larger collective energy field of the overall whole.

Consciousness is Not What You Think. Consciousness is Not Your Mind. Consciousness is an Etheric Force — Beyond the Mind.

Your consciousness exists within a larger collective etheric field of consciousness. As such, some of the things that you see and experience within the dream state are reflections of your very own inner feelings, issues, opinions, and subconscious programming — and some things are not.

Some things are reflections of the underlying inner feelings, issues, opinions, and programming of the outer world around you. The collective human conscious and subconscious are riddled with fear and negativity. Why? Because fear and negativity are constantly drip fed into the minds of people through the media and 24/7 news. And even if you are wise enough to unplug — it doesn’t necessarily mean that the world around you does. And if the collective subconscious is riddled with fear and negativity — what would that do to one’s dreams?

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I Am Willing To Be Willing

Merlyn’s Cave | January 29 2012

Not much night school last night, or too much to recall, not sure which. As I started to not write this, a lot more came up so here We are.

I was reminded about being receptive and got to practice it and did some mantras around it. One was my typical: “I Am willing to be willing.”

I got to take a long look (or lots of looks) at trusting (or not trusting) My Self. I experienced examples (between yesterday during the day and processing in night school) of some of the complications and challenges of being in 5D and 3D. It can be a lot like walking on the railroad tracks with a train behind you and suddenly losing your hearing. How is that for encouragement?

But that is kinda the point. I also saw how many times I got close, had difficulty adjusting and shut down. And this all ties together. There were sooooo many times of one step forward and two steps back. Then one step forward and one step back. Then two steps forward and one step back. I have made progress and slow but sure keeps the brain and All circuits (relatively) intact.

There was practice being in 5D and 3D. There was a hint or tool to help recognize or return to 5D. Interesting as I think about it, it’s a lot like lucid dreaming techniques, Ever since I first heard about lucid dreaming I knew that I wanted to learn to lucid wake. It would seem to Me that being in 5D would be what lucid waking would be like. Looks like lucid waking here I come.

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