Lucid Dreaming: A Gateway to Expanded Consciousness

Nikki Harper – Within the realm of dreaming lies a fascinating phenomenon known as lucid dreaming—an extraordinary state where we become aware that we are dreaming while still immersed in the dream itself. Lucid dreaming opens a gateway to explore the depths of our consciousness, blurring the boundaries between the dream world and waking reality.

But what exactly is lucid dreaming and how can we use it as a powerful tool for expanded consciousness, personal growth, and spiritual exploration?

The Nature of Lucid Dreaming

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Lucid Dreaming as a Gate to Spiritual Awakening

sleepFrank M Wanderer – Allow me to draw your attention to an apparently surprising thing. If I told you that now, when you are reading these lines, you are in fact asleep, you would certainly believe that I have gone mad.

You are awake, you are concentrating your attention to reading, and you are aware of your environment as well. You can see the furniture of your room, you can hear the call of the birds from the nearby forest. You are also aware of your thoughts and emotions. How can anyone claim that you are asleep at this very moment? Continue reading

Communicating With Lucid Dreamers

lucidJoseph P Farrell – You might recall that yesterday I blogged about the latest transhumanist fantasies about the “Spatial web“, and about my concerns that what was really being talked about was yet another dystopian ideology of the collective, in this case, a kind of transhumanist “Borg” collective.

In a nutshell, my concern was that in the rush to get everyone “connected”, we are creating a system that is supremely anti-human, where one’s “interior conversation” is open to everyone else, and vice versa, such that there is no more conversation, but only an unending noise and babble, where no individual voices can be singled out and heard, a kind of Tower of Babble. Continue reading

Easy Tricks To Have A Lucid Dream Tonight

lucidJennifer Enchin – I’ve had lucid dreams all my life. It all started when I was around 13 years old — the same time I started researching the concept of conscious dreaming. Nowadays I experience a lucid dream about once every two weeks. Sometimes it happens by chance and other times it’s because I’ve willed my mind to do it.

The truth about lucid dreaming is that anyone can do it; it’s all just a trick of the mind. If you simply buy into the concept of being able to actively control your dreams, you’re already 90% there. The rest can be achieved through tools and tricks that don’t even involve meditating for three hours before bed. Try some of these tonight to have the lucid dream you’ve always dreamed of (pardon the pun).

1. Plug Your Nose and Breathe In

No, this isn’t some deep, relaxing, breathing technique. It’s called a reality check and it’s probably the easiest and most popular one around — according to the Reddit-sphere, at least. All you need to do is periodically plug your nose with your fingers as you go about your day and breathe in.

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