The Growth Of American Fascism: From LBJ To Obama

theIntelHub January 12 2013

“It is seldom that liberty of any kind is lost all at once.”- David Hume

In the aftermath of the highly suspicious Sandy Hook incident, Americans have experienced a predictable escalation of the elite’s ongoing efforts to destroy their constitutional right to keep and bear arms.

A disarmed civilian population has long been a principle ambition of the globalist elites. As patriots are well aware, an armed population is the last line of defense against tyranny.

It is of vital importance to the globalists that Americans be shorn of their means of defending themselves against the dystopian visionaries of the New World Order.

The globalist vision is one that has been passed down over time through each succeeding generation of the elite.

As James Warburg of the Council on Foreign Relations stated to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on February 17, 1950, “We shall have world government whether or not you like it, by conquest or consent.”

Of course, a disarmed populace is much easier to conquer and therefore does not need to give consent to the neo-feudal rule of the NWO overlords. The American police state has continued to expand in an exponential way since Warburg spoke those words.

The elected officials supposedly charged with the task of preserving the constitutional rights of Americans have become ever more acquiescent to tyranny as the decades have passed. For instance, during the same year that Warburg proclaimed these sinister intentions, President Harry Truman, himself sympathetic to globalist designs in many ways, nevertheless vetoed the 1950 McCarran Act which would have allowed the indefinite detention of citizens without trial.

His successor President Eisenhower, himself connected to the Rockefeller internationalists, nevertheless criticized the growing dominance of American foreign policy by the merchants of death through the military-industrial complex.

Of course, the last American president to challenge the globalist agenda in any serious way was John F. Kennedy, whose quixotic efforts to halt the monetary dominance of the Federal Reserve cost him his life.

Subsequent U.S. presidents have learned well from the example that was made of Kennedy. It is no coincidence that it was JFK’s successor, Lyndon Baines Johnson, who presided over the unprecedented assault on the Second Amendment rights of Americans that came with the Gun Control Act of 1968.

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The Science Of Persuasion

Laura Bruno’s Blog | January 21 2013

The following video offers six tips for getting what you want. You could think of it as a list of scientific marketing strategies, but that’s not why I’m posting the video. In the realm of manipulation, let’s just say, “Knowledge is power.” I’ve posted before regarding symbols and the subconscious, but this video talks more about ways that human behavior can reliably be influenced during this age of information overload.

Next time you’re certain that “the other side is wrong” or wonder if someone “might have an agenda,” take a step back and see if you can spot any of these techniques. Finding such techniques in use doesn’t necessarily mean the source is “bad” or purposely trying to brainwash you … BUT … recognizing the techniques in use can help you to remain objective as you make your own informed decisions.


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