The Virus of Consciousness And How To Remove Implants

energyEric Raines & Vera Ingeborg – Nausea, extreme exhaustion, an intense longing to just sleep, endless thought spirals and recurring emotional breakouts – this is the current experience and reality not only for people just waking up, but also for people that have been on this path for a longer time and had already raised their frequency to a 5th dimensional level. They had already been enjoying the ease and flow of this plane – being completely in the Now, their true authentic self and completely free. All of a sudden it feels like being back to square one.

How can that be after all the work done? How can I fall back so much? There is a reason for it and the experience can be turned around quickly again. We have to start by becoming aware of how the Matrix works and how we are manipulated energetically in case we do not have this discernment, yet. And please! This is nothing to be upset or scared of – the more you treat the situation and yourself with love, the easier you navigate through. Continue reading

Loneliness – The Dilemma of the Awakening Mind

ManMountainSnowSpiralGalaxyJulian Wash – Today I wish to address to you a certain brand of loneliness. It is perhaps the most debilitating form of the condition. The state is sometimes referred to as “isolation” or the sense of being disconnected, apart, abandoned or simply “different” from everyone else you know. This situation is compounded when friends, coworkers and even family members begin seeing you differently.

They’re not so much intrigued by your positive changes but rather disappointed by your shift in attitude and may even be concerned for your mental stability. These otherwise well-meaning souls are occasionally characterized as the “sleeping” and you may very well be part of the “awakening.” Continue reading

The Spiritual Seeking – Only a Program in the Matrix?

mindFrank M. Wanderer Ph.D – Many people think that the goal of the spiritual seeking is to exit the Matrix. But if we get to the bottom of this question, we find that the spiritual seeking is also just a program in the matrix. It doesn’t guide us out of the matrix, it only takes us round and round inside the Matrix. What signs are implying this?

Our virtual reality may not be generated by a computer, but by our Mind, our constantly flowing thoughts and emotions. And so we are living in the imprisonment of our thoughts and feelings’ Matrix.

The program of the spiritual seeking consists of two components: Continue reading

Questioning Reality Like Never Before

“Has our existence been hijacked eons ago by higher dimensional entities and we are now prisoners within a matrix of deceit?” – A. Light


If so, then this prison of minds has the door wide open and we can choose to exit it, whenever we desire. All that is required is for us to wake up from the dream, so that we can see the door… and to actually want to go out and “disconnect.” Continue reading

Why We Meet The Same Souls In Every Incarnation

Why We Meet The Same Souls In Every IncarnationConscious Reminder – Through life our paths are crossing paths with other people. From our parent to our children, from our brothers and sisters to our marriage partners. According to karmic teachings, we always meet the same souls, only under different masks and different roles.

The soul goes through this cycle of physical incarnation because it has some kind of debt or obligation i.e. is not entirely free. Through interaction with others we are given the opportunity to free ourselves from the shackles of karma. Continue reading