The Secret To Releasing Any Addiction

“Not everything that is faced can be changed, yet nothing can be changed until it is faced.” ~ James Baldwin

The Secret To Releasing Any AddictionJafree Ozwald – Life is meant to be filled with challenges, which are simply opportunities in disguise. This is the cosmic set up which causes everyone to evolve and grow. The real battles you are here to fight are not outside your body with another person, organization or country. This is old school, and how the Neanderthal mind thinks.

The evolved being is a deeply responsible and sensitive creature, who knows the real war is fought and won within themselves, wherever their own personal inner conflict resides. Once you find this true sustainable inner peace that remains regardless of the situation or circumstances you’re given, then you’ve found something that will allow you to truly master this world. Continue reading

What Is Chi? Exploring Our Eternal Reality

Rod Morin – Many, many sages, scholars, researchers and laymen have attempted to answer the perplexing question – What is Chi? The simplistic answer most often used is that Chi is “vital energy” or the “life force”, but this answer falls well short of addressing the apparent complexity of Chi.

Referring to Chi as just vital energy would be like me saying that I am Rod Morin. A name is just a label. A name does not address the millions of intricacies that combine to make me, who, and what I am.

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The Sets, Costumes, and Scripts…

Veronica – While incarnate it is easy to get all caught up with the dramas of linear reality. It is a rush of events that can leave one spinning out of control. Reacting to the denseness while making choices can leave one confused and wondering how to navigate in such a sea of chaos.

By having to focus so intently the ability to maneuver yourself through the life becomes a daunting task. Continue reading

What Do We Know about the Time Illusion?

timeZinovia Dushkova, Ph.D. – From esoteric teachings, we know that time is simply an illusion which is necessary for evolution. There is a universal time that manifests throughout the universe. However, it connects with the periods. It has nothing in common with the earthly understanding of time. There is also inner time, characteristic of solar systems, planets, humans, etc.

The past, present, and future are the framework within which a human being comprehends the world. Causes create the future, proceeding from the past to the future. The past cannot change, while the future is changeable, because we may create other causes in the present which influence it. The three times exist inseparably in space. So, therefore, people with a developed consciousness are able to penetrate in the present time into both the past and the future for millennia to come. Continue reading