Giant Foot Print 200 Million Yrs Old – South Africa

Michael Tellinger | January 9 2012
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Michael Tellinger

I would like to share with you what could be one of the best pieces of evidence that there were once giants on Earth a long, long time ago. Geologists have marvelled at this giant foot print in rough granite, about 4 feet long. This is a deeply sacred, mystical and spiritual place among African knowledge keepers and so it should remain. It is affectionately known as the Footprint of God. At about 4 feet in length, the person who would have left it behind must have been about  24 feet OR 7, 5 m tall. This site presents us with a real dilemma and a deep mystery that needs to be resolved.

I start many of my presentations by saying, that the history of our planet is a lot stranger than most of us could possibly imagine. All you need to do is look at the brilliant research of Klaus Dona, to see the evidence of 7,5m-tall giants in prehistory on our planet.

To view the video clip of the Footprint of God – please click on the link below.

Giant footprint – view here

Some claim that the footprint is a natural erosion pattern.  Personally I find that suggestion highly improbable for various reasons that I will not go into here. But to support my thoughts on this, Prof. Pieter Wagener from the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University in Port Elizabeth SA, and a PhD in applied maths, suggests that “there is a higher probability of little green men arriving from space and licking it out with their tongues, than it being created by natural erosion”.

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