Blueprinting For The Soul

Simion the Evolutionary Collective | September 2 2012

EarthWe are Simion, The Evolutionary Collective.

It is with great enthusiasm that we speak to you now about soul blueprinting. We use this word, blueprint, from your vocabulary to depict your soul plan and the importance of this period of time to access and amplify your personal life purpose.

When your soul made a choice to be born in this lifetime, you along with your spiritual guides, created what can be viewed as a blueprint for your life. This is not a set plan that can not be changed. It is a guide for living a purposeful journey. It is like the blueprints that you use to show details of a building plan for architecture or a vessel. In your case, the vessel or structure is your body and life circumstances. The plan is set for the vessel to be aligned properly to have a certain function or purpose.

Spring and Fall of any given Earth year, now being Autumn in the Northern hemisphere and the Spring in the Southern hemisphere, offers an increased opportunity for the blueprint to be tweaked and activated for your greatest potential. Within Mother Nature, you see this evidenced in the creation and nourishment of the seeds of life.

Within all seeds are what you call genetic blueprints for the structure and function of each life form. The nourishment given to the seed at various seasonal stages will determine how the life form will represent any given aspect of its code. The blueprint may not be activated at all if it does not have what is needed to make it blossom, and this includes the motivations of the collective consciousness of the species. Some seeds will have the best possibility of sprouting to become true to the intended code, if circumstances allow. There are many factors, beyond your biological perspective, that determine the healthy growth of plants, including energetic and elemental influences. The same can be said of your genetic and spiritual blueprint.

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Reality and Truth

Mysticism, for me, is visual. I see what lies beyond the veil. My habit is very methodical. I have an understanding of metaphysics and I puzzle together the pieces I have scattered about, to reach an understanding. I am not a scholar, I do not study text or doctrine, my confidence lies with the empiric nature of providence. My confidence rests entirely with God. Is God or is God naught? It makes no difference, my confidence lies squarely there. I have no use for faith.

My person is like a vessel suspended in limitless space and my bearing is entirely my own discretion. I determine the density of the veil and what I allow myself to see. I choose limitation’s or liberation’s and there is great confusion between the two. Confusion, of course, is not true, it is only real and reality is something we create.

I have known varying degrees of clarity in my mystical life. Just now I am in an episode of rehabilitation having stumbled into hardship. I do expect to puzzle together a durable clarity allowing the silliness of struggle dissipate into the vastness of endless space.

Michael, The Mystic Tourist ©2012

SF Source Mystictourist’s Blog July 24 2012

Skellig Michael – Lord Of The Ring

Ireland’s Ring of Kerry

James  Tyberonn – Ireland’s Ring of Kerry is beyond magical. Its verdant, rugged beauty is dotted with amazing landscapes, stone circles and myriad potent Neolithic sites. But Skellig Michael, the mystical, monastic island named after Archangel Michael, is undeniably ‘Lord of the Ring.’

Holy of Holies

skellig The small jagged island of Skellig Michael is the point on the earth plane in which many purport the renowned Michael ley line enters Gaia. On this pyramidal island, the Michael ley line begins its sacred trek across Britain and Europe, ending at Mount Carmel in the Holy Land of Israel. How interesting that it begins on this otherworldly little island off the Ring of Kerry. How interesting, indeed.

It was, in fact, through researching the Michael ley line that I first learned of Skellig Michael. The very concept of this ancient monastery crowning this isolated rock, 13 kilometers off Ireland’s shore, is a stunning enigma. The actual genesis is biblical in proportion. Inspired monks receiving and obeying a divine decree from an archangel to sail out and build a monastery on bare rock carries shades of the exodus of Moses.

This location equals, no, surpasses, the sites of the other two great monastic centers in Western Europe that were also built per Archangel Michael’s inspiration – Mont St. Michel in Normandy and St. Michael’s Mount in Cornwall, which are triangulated with Skellig.

It is interesting and fitting that historians and pilgrims alike are interested in the three ‘Michael’ islands for connected yet succinctly differing reasons. All three are islands of archeological interest for the academic. And metaphysically, all three islands anchor the Michael portal of the Michael ley line, and connect to its amazing telluric thread as it weaves its divine tapestry onto the Earth.

Islands on which manifestations of Archangel Michael appeared and inspired holy men to come and live on bare rock for over 1,500 years led me to suspect Skellig to be one of those rarified grid-points that coexist in multiple dimensions. So I was compelled to investigate and experience this for myself.

Tyb’s Journal: Quest to Skellig Michael

When I landed at Ireland’s Shannon Airport, Irish skies were smiling! It had rained all the week prior to my arrival, but the skies were clearing and the sun was beaming through mist on my disembarkation. The weather would remain brilliant for my entire four-day trip. Luck of the Irish indeed! Continue reading