Hope Or Trust

Energetic Connection February 22 2013

hopeHope is a four-letter word.

The dictionary defines hope as “desire accompanied with expectation for fulfillment.” My definition is similar, yet much less accommodating and certainly not so nice! Here it is:

H stands for helplessness. O stands for oppressed. P stands for passive. E stands for expectation.

michele geyerI stay away from that word, recently replacing it with “trust.” Trust carries a higher vibration, and “hope” is often just a mere step above victim, breeding powerlessness like a rabbit.

That’s part of a 2010 repost from my blog series on self-mastery and the levels of consciousness. SInce that time, so much more has been uncovered about languaging, visualization, brain waves, subconscious states and responses as they relate to our human potential to create and manifest.

Consider our constant state of transitional and evolutionary experiences: many of us are in a sort of post-pinnacle-limbo-state-of-being and even a bit of hopelessness right now. What we thought we knew last year, in fact the shift that so many looked upon hopefully, has not actualized in our 3D world. It’s just not manifest, here, now, in the way so many believed it would or could be.

Even so, and even more importantly now, it is our “job” to sustain the vision of peace, ascension, sanctuary, evolution, the betterment of mankind and our relationship to the planet…however we might “see it” as individuals.

Instead of hoping it will be, trust that it already exists.

The Western Mystery traditions use visioning practices to explore the inner realms, to invoke the divine and create sanctuary, often to evoke positive outcomes for the greater good. Essentially they use magic to hold ceremonial space, a picture of the inner temple and other realms.

There is no hoping involved. It’s an exercise of certainty and trust in both individuals and the group to make real what exists on the astral planes.

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Origins of Stress

The Energetic Connection | February 1 2013

michelle_stressStress comes in many forms.

Physiological, Psycho-spiritual, Emotional, Etheric or Spiritual, Inner and Outer Influences

Stress relief also comes in many forms.

Relaxation, Reframing, Rewiring, Emotional Release, Balancing, Management, Abatement

All stresses are interrelated and cyclical, one level creating the next and circling back to its origins.

It’s certainly possible for a singular and potentially exclusive, sort of self-contained, form of stress to exist–like digestive stress that is nutritionally related; or a threatening situation that is completely resolved when it ends. Even so, there is usually a deeper reason for, or a result of its presence.

How can we get to the roots of our stress?

Depending on learning and growth styles coupled with the many ways you access, embrace and integrate information, you can begin to relieve stress from various points of entry: through the mind, the body, the emotions, and spiritual energy.

Changing eating and nutritional habits, taking supplements, yoga and other conscious movement, therapy, self-reflection, and any of their subsets or similar modalities, are all potential gateways to stress relief. Like any incident that imprints stress, these gateways will help you to unravel the threads of stress on multiple levels.

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