Remember Who You Truly Are

remember who you areKenton David Bell – You are a thought. You are an idea. You are all that ever has been and ever will be. You are the Alpha and the Omega. You are the beginning and the end… and the beginning again and again.

When you begin to “see” yourself as the Creator you begin to see who you truly are. You begin to remember all that has come before and from this platform you begin to get a sense of what is to come next.

When we are in the Shift of Ages, as we are now, it gives us a glimpse, a window, into the other Shifts of Ages we have experienced in previous cycles. These are very unique moments in the 26,000 year cycles. One can begin to have a unique experience during these moments. It is as if you can “bend” or see the “bend” in the present time continuum as well as the past and future times of shift. It gives one a unique opportunity to actually see many of Creations’ Ages at once. Continue reading