Dumb, Dumber, Dumbest

Dumb, Dumber, DumbestClarice Feldman – Watching Congresswoman Elise Stefanik’s questioning of the presidents of MIT, Harvard, and the University of Pennsylvania may have been eye-opening for many, but for those of us who have been paying attention, it wasn’t.

Their answers were dumb and once the full extent of their discriminatory policies are exposed in private litigation and Title VI federal and congressional investigations, it will be clear why they answered as they did, hoping to avoid the scrutiny they deserve.

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CV19 Injections Will Cause Massive Deaths [Video]

EadsGreg Hunter – Dr. Elizabeth Eads is on the front line of medicine treating patients who have been injected with the experimental CV19 so-called “vaccines.”  Dr. Eads has 25 years of experience in North East Florida hospitals.

Dr. Eads contends the injections (or jabs) are not vaccines.  They are “bioweapons,” and the jabs are not medicine that is intended to help or cure people.  Dr. Eads says, “We are seeing from the jabs all kinds of under-reported side effects.  We are seeing infertility in women.  We are seeing miscarriages.  We are seeing myocarditis, pericarditis, pulmonary embolisms and blood clots everywhere in the body.

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MIT Physicists Say They’ve Created An ‘Impossible’ New Form Of Matter: Supersolids

Alexa Erickson – Objects that take up space and have mass are considered matter, which means that everything around you is made up of matter, including yourself and the sandwich in your hand.

supersolidSound like the beginning of a lecture from your childhood science textbook? That’s because we’ve been taught that matter as we know it is as fundamental and broad as this.

But new research reveals that maybe “matter” isn’t so set in stone.

Scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have produced a brand new form of matter called a supersolid. Until this creation, physicists had an idea supersolids might be possible, but hadn’t analyzed them in the laboratory.

A supersolid combines the properties of solids with those of superfluids.

To create it, the team of researchers used lasers to manipulate a superfluid gas called a Bose-Einstein condensate into a quantum phase of matter that has a rigid structure like a solid, but is able to flow with viscosity, like a superfluid.

This phase of matter, entirely contradictory, could provide valuable information currently unknown regarding superfluids and superconductors. Such insights could help improve technologies like superconducting magnets and sensors, as well as efficient energy transport.

“It is counterintuitive to have a material which combines superfluidity and solidity,” explained team leader Wolfgang Ketterle, the John D. MacArthur Professor of Physics at MIT. “If your coffee was superfluid and you stirred it, it would continue to spin around forever.”

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Mind Control: The Lunacy Index, Surveillance State, And Quackademia …

flaperonJoseph P Farrell – As regular readers here may have noted, in the past few days I’ve been following a variety of topics, mostly to do with education, but a few concerning the Lunacy Index (which is my little measure of the insanity of the political left in this country, which is to be distinguished from the Hysteria Index, which is my measure of the pathology of the political right in this country.

You’ll note that because our two party system is really a one party system of the hard left, and the soft left, that oftentimes these indices overlap.) This article was shared by Mr. V.T., and I am blogging about it simple because it uniquely ties together all the themes I’ve been blogging about the past few days – quackademia, the surveillance state, the Lunacy Index – in one tidy Gorgon’s knot of insanity:

Whole New Level of Creepy: MIT Creates Wireless Device That Can Detect Emotions, Heartbeat and Breathing Patterns (link)

Now I have no difficulty believing that MIT (or anyone else) would be developing technologies for the remote sensing of an individual’s emotional state. In fact, if anything, my problem with this article is the implication that this technology is so underdeveloped as to be a kind of “remote polygraph”, a way of reading physiological changes  remotely that goes little behind simply noting them, and guessing what the individual’s state of mind might be. I would argue (a task for another day, alas) that the technologies have already far exceeded these rudimentary capabilities, and have indeed blogged in the past about them. They exist. They are real.

And they are unbelievably frightening in their potential.

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MIT Doctor Reveals Link Between Glyphosate, GMOs And The Autism Epidemic

What was once an extremely rare health condition now afflicts roughly 1 in 68 children, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). And if things continue down the current path, says Dr. Seneff, nearly half of all children born in the year 2025 will be born with autism, which can result when the the gut microbiome of humans is destroyed, which depletes the body of needed minerals and can exacerbates the toxicity of other chemicals, including those added to vaccines.

“[The autism rate] has come up from 1 in 10,000 in 1970 — so that is already an incredibly alarming change,” stated Dr. Seneff during a recent interview with Next News Network. “I got worried eight years ago when I was seeing it rising, and people were saying, ‘Oh, it’s just more reporting, more diagnosis’ — that’s a way to hide the evidence.” Continue reading