Saturn’s Moon, Iapetus, Could Have Been Artificially Made by Extraterrestrials

moonArjun Walia – Our solar system is fascinating, to say the least, and there is still so much we don’t know about it. What makes one even more curious is knowing the organizations and people who operate at the highest levels of ‘security clearances’ probably know a whole lot more.

That being said, if you’re independently curious, there are more than enough resources available to satisfy your curiosity, you will find a way to investigate. At the very least you could get access to the best telescope you have and stare at the other planets, our Moon, and the Moons of other planets.

Perhaps the best thing to do is simply sift through the literature and you will find no shortage of strange anomalies that have been discovered in space -there’s truly no shortage. Continue reading

Multiple Scientists Claim the Moon Is a Hollow Construct

MoonSean Adl-Tabatabai – Multiple scientists have published papers indicating that the moon is an artificial hollow construct, home to an extraterrestrial race.

One example is the testimony of Colonel Ross Dedrickson, who was responsible for maintaining the inventory of the nuclear weapon stockpile for the United States. reports: Shortly before his passing, Dedrickson told the world that the US tried to detonate atomic weapons on the Moon for scientific purposes, measurements, and whatnot and that this project was halted by extraterrestrials, who would not allow us to detonate any nuclear weapons in space. These were some interesting comments because he is one of the hundreds of high ranking military people who have alluded to such things, and we also have a declassified report by the Air Force Nuclear Weapons Center from June 1959 that shows how seriously they were considering the plan, the report is called Project A119. Continue reading

New Moon Update 7-12-18

The New Moon with a partial solar eclipse (the first of three) is Thursday, July 12 at 8:47PM Mountain Daylight Time (MDT).

eclipseLena Stevens – This New Moon launches a month long period of intensity, change, breakthrough and opportunity to step up your game on many levels. During this time it is ultra important to focus on all the things that are working and that you appreciate in your life instead of letting yourself get bogged down in negativity. Face challenges with compassion and kindness and remember that not everyone has the tools that you do to see the bigger picture.

It is easy to get swept up into the negative and to react to the injustices and imbalances and reactions of others. Don’t take the bait. Bring love and gratitude into your interactions and actions whenever you can and give others the benefit of the doubt even if you don’t believe they deserve it. On a positive note, this is an incredible time to launch something new, pushing the edge of what you think you can accomplish.

Take a risk, make a bid for power, step up and show up with more confidence and maturity. The new moon is a time to set intentions and make commitments to how you will stay your ground and be an example for others. And it is OK to ask for help. Support is everywhere. You just have to accept and receive it.

Blessings, Lena

Astrological Notes

Cancer New Moon Solar Eclipse 2018

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The Alchemy of Emotional Expression

moonSarah Varcas – June 2018 finds us in the ‘waiting room’ of the next eclipse season beginning in July. How we manage the waiting, the growing sense of anticipation or anxiety, the mounting tension… or is it excitement?….depends largely on how happy we are to let things fall into place. Or would we rather force them there, before discovering we’ve jammed yet another square peg into a round hole?!

Mars in Aquarius conjunct the South Node through June and July reminds us detaching from our desires can be useful when progress is slow. It doesn’t mean we must abandon all hope and give up the ghost, but it can be helpful to turn down the heat on our expectations and demands when the universe has a different timetable to our own! Then we can relax despite the stress of waiting while the cosmic dance allows life to unfold in its own time and step. Continue reading

Last Quarter Moon of Perceptual Shifts and Transformation

moonHenry Seltzer – Sunday’s Last Quarter Moon, taking place late Saturday evening on the West Coast and early Sunday morning for the East Coast and Europe, represents a rather intense configuration with an emphasis on transformational Pluto, in the darkness and obscurity of a reflective period of deep perceptual changes.

The Mercury Retrograde time, an especially potent one in this instance, coupled with the natural mode of this late lunar phase, indicates that new attitudes and understandings are more likely than not.

We are indeed living in times of major structural changes, in ourselves individually, and in the society itself. This is true for the entire decade of the teens, perhaps particularly so for this pivotal year of 2018. We as a culture are in the midst of a societal crisis of increasing magnitude; more so perhaps than for any recent years since the volatile and life-changing 1960s when Uranus and Pluto were also in significant connection, as they are now. Then it was their conjunction in Virgo; now it is the opening square from that seedtime, in Aries and Capricorn.

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