The Political Suicide Hotline: Ringing Nonstop

trumpClarice Feldman – It is a mystery to me why so many politicians and pundits are suddenly committing career and party suicide. I suppose it’s because there has been a failure to recognize that they’ve been living in and promoting a fantasy world. In the meantime, the president has called their bluff, exposed the cant, and forced them into chaos and ruinous policies.

The failure of the Weekly Standard and the decline of the National Review have exposed the not-conservative Trump haters as unpragmatic, unrealistic snobs. They are now shaking the begging cup to keep from having to earn an honest living. In the face of the president’s rising popularity among voters and the economic and diplomatic successes of this administration, they continue to believe that on the right there are readers and donors who will keep them at it.

As Karl Notturno at the Daily Caller opines: Continue reading

Chris Hedges ~ ‘Last thing US wants in the world is democracy. It wants control’ [Video]

RT  April 28 2014

he crisis in Ukraine and the steadily dropping temperature in relations between Moscow and Washington made many talk about a new Cold War; and many others are worried it may turn ‘hot’. But there’s another war going on right now: the information war. US Secretary of State Kerry has already attacked RT, calling it “Putin’s propaganda machine.”


But Washington itself uses dubious evidence and fake facts. What is the information war? What methods is America using? Sophie talks to Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and veteran correspondent Chris Hedges.

Beyond Paracas: Humanoid Remains Found In Cusco, Peru

WakeUpWorld  May 3 2014

AlienSkullCuscoPeru2It is yet to be known how old and whether or not the body described below belongs to an alien race or is a different human species (which would both be significant since neither are present in history books) until the sample of this strange skeleton can be carbon dated and a DNA test done. But based on what I see, I can tell with great certainty that whoever it is, he or she does not look like my neighbor.

It was a regular morning when I was invited to explore the surroundings of Cusco during my first month after moving to Peru in April 2009. It was a friend of mine who took me around to see some interesting stones in one of the local museums in Huaru near Cusco.

Even though my curiosity was well ignited, more so, I was glad to shatter my loneliness which had become my first friend in Peru.

Visiting the museum was quite impressive. The echo of the ancient world was heard among the unusual stones. Among other things, there were two items, which attracted my attention most in that moment. One of them was a stone which made different sounds when knocked on with another stone. Playing it like a drum, I was naturally trying to understand the phenomena. Then leaving the concert behind, I moved to another stone which was about three foot long and appeared to be perfectly drilled through.

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The Nodes And Nulls Of Earth

Kryon June 2013

Within the map, the nodes are pink. The nulls are blue.

Nodes And Nulls ~ Information gathered by Monika Muranyi for her new book: The Gaia Effect – The Remarkable System of Collaboration Between Gaia and Humanity

What Are They?

Here are the specific definitions as given by Kryon:

Nodes: There are three kinds of nodes: portal, vortex and vortal. A portal is a node that overlaps and amplifies Gaia. A vortex is when energies collide and the energy is constantly moving. To some, being in a vortex may feel good for a while but it’s hard to live there. A vortal is half portal and half vortex. There is no symmetry with these lines and they occur beneath the Earth as well as on the Earth. So it becomes more complex than what you think. All of these lines are created by The Crystalline Grid, and The Crystalline Grid is created by Human consciousness.
–Kryon (paraphrased) Part of a Kryon answer to a question in Monika’s Gaia book

Nodes are exactly what has been stated: They are places of immense intensity where The Crystalline Grid can store the time capsules of the creation template, as placed there by the Pleiadians. So nodes can also be ascended land, and feel very good. However, as mentioned before, nodes are often in places that are less accessible or desirable for normal Human habitation due to the intense energy. But Humans are very attracted to them anyway, and the indigenous of the Earth often built their temples there.

These time capsules need to be on the planet as a guide or blueprint for the starting creative energy of Gaia. We have told you that as they are slowly released, they modify The Crystalline Grid to help Human consciousness shift, and eventually create an ascended planet.

The templates are not just information. They are quantum portals of Pleiadian life. This is difficult to explain, but consider for a moment that quantum energy can exist in two places at the same time. This is an attribute even of your own quantum physics, so it can’t be that odd to you. So consider for a moment that even life can have these attributes (existing in multiple places). Therefore know that your seed creators have always been here in a certain quantum way, and are in the time capsules.

When you feel these energies in 3D, you tend to linearize them all. Therefore those who are sensitive will see “a city” or feel entities that might even talk to you. But the reality is that these feelings are only the attributes of looking at profound quantum energy while in 3D.

Mt. Shasta is one of these time capsules. The mountain is ready for activation, and the release of the time capsule there has already begun. But now, with the passing of 2012, the Pleiadians can take a more active role. You will know what this means in a later time.

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From Russia Comes Hope For The World

Edgar Cayce
Lake Baikal – James Tyberonn with Russian Shaman in traditional Buryat Ceremonial Dress

Lake Baikal – James Tyberonn with Russian Shaman in traditional Buryat Ceremonial DressIn 1944 acclaimed psychic Edgar Cayce channeled an incredible reading about Russia: Quoted verbatim below…

“Through Russia comes the hope of the world. Not in respect to what is sometimes termed Communism or Bolshevism – no! But of freedom – true freedom, that each man will live for his fellow man. The principle has been born there. It will take years for it to be crystallized; yet out of Russia comes again the hope of the world.” – Edgar Cayce Continue reading