Are you living your life? Or are you settling?

Are you settling?The Angels – Are you living your life? Are you getting up and looking forward to something each day, or have you settled for coping and getting through a life you don’t truly enjoy? As little children, you knew that you came to this planet to create, feel alive, and thrive.

Slowly but surely, however, many of you were conditioned to wait for your joy, work for your reward, and to suffer and sacrifice. Many of you were conditioned by others who thought it was noble, holy, and righteous to put off their own joy. Continue reading

Motives, Motivation, and Timelines

timelinesJennifer Hoffman – I would call myself a motivated person in the sense that I am energetic, positive, accomplished, efficient, and I am very results oriented. But that is according to the generally accepted definition of the word ‘motivation’ and it does not do justice to the concept of motivation.

When we look at motivation clearly we have to ask the question, ‘why are you doing this’ because the true definition of motivation is your reason for doing something. And that is not always the reason you are telling yourself. it is the underlying, deep, true reason for your actions and when we investigate our motivations and motives we can find that we can have more than one and they are often not aligned or working together. Continue reading

The Benefits of Free-Range Play for Children

free range playPaul Lenda – When I was a kid, I was the definition of a free-range child. I was climbing trees since I was around seven, playing in the dirt, making debris dams while it was raining, and a whole number of other outdoor activities I or my friends came up with on our own. There were no parents, no artificially-orchestrated play dates with rules of what you could or couldn’t do, and no getting sucked into the digital matrix of screens and anything else emitting a discordant electromagnetic field.

Today, I’m 33 and have no allergies and no asthma. I feel fulfilled with the nostalgic remembrance of countless childhood experiences that helped form the foundation for the free-spirited and strong-willed adult I am today. Free-range play with other children helped me develop social intelligence and emotional intelligence. It helped me learn how to compromise, problem solve, make decisions for myself, and many other essential life skills. Continue reading

Why Is It So Difficult To Find The Motivation To Do Something Big?

“As awesome as the mind can be, it can also be incredibly crippling, especially if we let every thought, story and past experience that it is capable of bringing up almost instantaneously impact the level of motivation that we feel.” – M DeNicola

MotivationOn January 10th of this year I finished writing the script to a feature film that I felt not only passionate about but excited to share with the world. A script that as I wrote it, I felt that I was definitely going to bring into production almost immediately. I have the necessary tools, connections and resources to make it possible (at least at the independent level) yet here I am well over a week into June and I’m still yet to bring it out of the pre-production stage. The passion for the story still exists, as does the desire to share it with the world, it’s the motivation that seems to be missing, and that’s the part I’d like to focus on.

What Exactly Is Motivation?

Webster’s online dictionary defines motivation as the condition of being eager to act and/or work; or alternatively as the force that causes someone to do something. (1) At times motivation can be easy to come by, a couple of common examples where this is often the case -although not always -are the motivation to play a favourite sport, to pack for an upcoming trip or even to have sexual intercourse. Whether these specific examples apply to you or not, we all know from experience that when motivation does exist, things just seem to not only be that much more enjoyable but they often tend to go a lot smoother.

The Role & Power Of The Mind

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Measure Success By How Far You Have Come And What You Have Accomplished

Inspire Me Today June 11 2013

If there is a light at the end of the tunnel, do you see it as a train getting ready to hit you, or do you see it as your ticket to a better life? If I were you, I would hop on that train. In almost every instance, it will take you to a better, happier place.

If the road you are traveling is paved with a) detours, b) brick walls, c) closed doors, d) distractions, and e) personal issues, don’t give up! Think of these things as speed bumps — glitches or annoyances. Things happen for reasons you may not understand and often force you to slow down and get in touch with your thoughts and feelings. This helps you reassess your personal, career, and life goals.

What is important is that you decide to forge ahead and stay focused, rather than give up. Here are some thoughts to help you whenever you become stuck:

a) Detours. Take them; they might lead you to something better and the experience is often worth it. The new direction may present some challenges and frustrations, but in the long run, this detour may actually put you on the right road.

b) Brick walls. Walk around them; climb them; or better yet, look for a detour.

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