It’s possible to completely recreate yourself

Hilarion – As you endeavor to stay in equilibrium and balance during these days with all that is occurring within your sphere of resonance, you are finding that the intensified energies are having their effect, not only within your own system but in all those who are in your sphere of influence. The duality energies are rampant and it is important to remember your purpose for holding the Light during these times.

It is very easy for you who are sensitive to the energies around you to understand that the feelings that you have been experiencing are mainly those that are being experienced at the collective consciousness level. There is much fear and doubt that is rampant at these times – remember this – and re-center and refocus on that which you are and that which you stand for. Continue reading

The Gentle Unfoldment of Wings

aliveCheryl Richardson – This morning I woke from an insightful dream. I had driven my SUV onto the sand of a local beach, walked to the shoreline, and prepared to step into the icy water. It was a sunny, windless day and I was anxious to feel the exhilaration of a quick swim. As I stood looking out over the calm sea, I realized that because this dip was unplanned, I didn’t have a way to warm up afterward. There were no towels or sweaters or slippers waiting in the car.

My dream ended with me standing on the shoreline, trying to figure out how to plunge and keep myself safe at the same time. Continue reading

The Amazing Health Benefits Of Dancing

danceGreen Med Info – The evidence-based health benefits of dancing are numerous and profound. In fact, if dancing were a drug it would be considered unethical not to use it.

If you already love to dance, you know how easy it is to work up a sweat on the dance floor. Far from the monotony of the treadmill, dancing is an exercise that engages not only the body, but also our creativity and sense of fun. Who knows where a dance will take you? When the music starts playing, it can feel almost like a trance: toes start tapping, hips begin to sway, and before you know it, you are creating your own moves that flow from within—no choreographer needed! Dancing can be a deep release that melts away stress and worry, while simultaneously delivering a great workout. Talk about a win-win! Continue reading

March 2018 Energy Report

movementJennifer Hoffman – A new month is upon us as we continue to speed down the ascension highway. It has been quite a wild ride so far and in the month whose name is the same word as that which describes forward movement, we’re going to see action this month, even though Mercury goes retrograde on the 22nd. We have the Equinox, the new astro year, lots of Pisces/Chiron action (soul wounds coming up for healing), new beginnings with the start of a new astro year in Aries, and two full moons. But with all of this focus on movement March’s theme is action taken from a healed, whole, and congruent perspective, cutting off the loose ends before we forge ahead in new directions. Whew, hold onto your hats, we may be taking a few corners on two wheels this month.

March opens with a big full moon we have all looked forward to after February’s constant shifts and changes because there were no full moons in February. This means that endings (full moons are ending/closing cycles) may have been delayed so we could have total clarity on what needed to wind down, release, and get complete with, all to clear the space for the new beginnings we can have this month. See my article on Completion and closure  at this link Continue reading