Guide to Nutrient-Packed Mushrooms for Holistic Wellbeing

Guide to Nutrient-Packed Mushrooms for Holistic WellbeingNikki Harper – In the rich tapestry of nature, mushrooms stand as nature’s hidden gems, weaving a story of culinary delight and unparalleled health benefits. Beyond their gastronomic allure, certain mushrooms have emerged as superfoods, holding within them a treasure trove of nutrients, antioxidants, and bioactive compounds that contribute to holistic well-being.

Mushrooms have long been revered not just for their earthy flavors but also for their therapeutic potential in traditional medicine practices. As we embark on this journey into the enchanting world of mushrooms, we unveil the fascinating intricacies of each variety, understanding how they serve as allies in our pursuit of vitality and wellness. Continue reading

Medicinal Mushrooms That Fight Cancer

mushroomsTy Bollinger – Having secured a rich history in many ancient Asian healing practices, medicinal mushrooms have been prescribed and used for countless ailments for thousands of years. As modern medicine rediscovers these ancient superfoods, there is good evidence that mushrooms are among the most powerful functional foods in a growing cancer-fighting and cancer-prevention arsenal.

Modern research confirms what many traditional healers have known for centuries – that mushrooms contain some of the most potent, yet safest medicinal ingredients found in nature. What’s more, most of these ingredients cause very few side effects – if at all – even at very high doses. Continue reading

Professor Discovers Mushrooms That Break Down and Destroy Cancer Cells

Dr. William Ranahan

Yelena Sukhoterina – Researcher, and the head of Oral Robert University’s Cancer Lab, Dr. William Ranahan has successfully trained mushrooms to destroy cancer cells.

“We have mushrooms growing just on cancer. They’ve figured out how to break them down,” Ranahan said.

Ranahan always had an interest in cancer research and has received an award for advances in breast cancer research in 2014. Back then his main focus was on silencing a specific hormone called prolactin to stimulate cancer cell death. This discovery received a $4 million grant for further study.

Recently, he had a new discovery that might become his new main area of research.

Thinking about how mushrooms are genetically close to humans, in fact much closer than plants, Ranahan had a “eureka” moment, an idea surfaced about using mushrooms as a cancer cure but not the same way it has ever been done before. There are over three million currently documented species of fungi worldwide. Unlike the typical variety seen on supermarket shelves, some fungi are microscopic and obtain their food from other infinitesimal sources.

Seeing fungi thrive is fascinating to observe. If you take a sample and place it in a petri dish with a growing medium, you can chart the growth of mycelium over time by simply using a high-grade stereo microscope. Even leaving out food exposed to air and using a camera to create a time-lapse of decomposition can show the interesting action on fungi on organic materials.

Because mushrooms absorb and break down any material they grow on, Ranahan decided to use mushrooms to see if they can break down cancer cells. Continue reading

The Patent That Could Destroy Monsanto and Change the World

patentAmanda Froelich – If there’s anything you read – or share – let this be it. The content of this article has potential to radically shift the world in a variety of positive ways.

And as Monsanto would love for this article to not go viral, all we can ask is that you share, share, share the information being presented so that it can reach as many people as possible.

In 2006, a patent was granted to a man named Paul Stamets. Though Paul is the world’s leading mycologist, his patent has received very little attention and exposure. Why is that?

Stated by executives in the pesticide industry, this patent represents “the most disruptive technology we have ever witnessed.” And when the executives say disruptive, they are referring to it being disruptive to the chemical pesticides industry.

What has Paul discovered? The mycologist has figured out how to use mother nature’s own creations to keep insects from destroying crops.

It’s what is being called SMART pesticides. These pesticides provide safe & nearly permanent solution for controlling over 200,000 species of insects – and all thanks to the ‘magic’ of mushrooms. Continue reading