15 Quotes That Prove False Flag Terrorism & The Existence Of A “Shadow Government”

warArjun Walia – Tensions between the United States, their allies, and Russia continue to rise. It seems, as always, that we are on the brink of global war. The Western military industrial complex continues to take over the Middle East and arm ISIS and other terrorist groups, as well as establish and solidify their military presence throughout the world. The sheer number of United States military bases around the globe is astonishing.

For more, unbiased information on the current state of affairs between the United States and Russia, I recommend visiting theantimedia.org.

Mainstream media outlets continue to spread propaganda, and have been doing so for years, claiming that there are terrorists, that they threaten national security, and that we must go after them. At the same time, an inflated sense of patriotism is encouraged in American citizens, so they believe their soldiers are fighting for freedom, despite doing the precise opposite.

A great quote by Edward Bernays, who was known as the father of public relations, comes to mind here:

The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic societyThose who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. (source)

A number of politicians and academics from around the world have been trying to create awareness on this issue for decades, and although we’ve come a long way, our relatively slow progress demonstrates the stranglehold mainstream media has on the minds of the masses. Continue reading

Clinton’s Email Scandal Is Much Bigger Than Clinton

clintonJames Corbett – In yet another sign that the establishment media has completely lost any semblance of a grounding in reality, the Washington Post just opined that “The Hillary Clinton email story is out of control,” whining about how much attention the story of Clinton’s homebrew email system is receiving in this campaign. This despite the fact that the facts on the ground here are incontrovertible:

  • Hillary Clinton used a private (and unsecured) email server for official State Department communications during her time as Secretary of State.
  • She asked aides to “wipe her servers” after the State Department finally got around to asking her for emails related to her public record; they responded by smashing her 13 blackberries with hammers.
  • She withheld 17,500 work related emails from FBI agents.
  • She lied about receiving classified material over the server.
  • The best the FBI could do in deciding not to prosecute her (after the mysterious tarmac meeting between Loretta and Bill) was to say she was too stupid to know that “c” meant classified and that her actions were extremely careless.
  • If she had been anyone else, Hillary Clinton would have been in jail by now.

But never mind all of that; the Washington Post has decided that the public is too concerned about the issue so I guess it’s time to move on, right?

wapoonhillshealthWrong. Thankfully this is 2016 not 1966, and the dinosaur media no longer dictates the news cycle like they used to. CNN and the NYT can call it a “stumble” all they want, but we’ve seen the video; we know that Clinton’s feet didn’t move at all and she was literally dragged into that van. Similarly, we don’t have to take the talking heads word for it; we know that Clinton broke the law with the emails, tried to lie her way out of it, and has only gotten away with it because of her political connections (and the body count, of course; let’s not forget the body count).

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Comey Says “Hillary Didn’t Know . . .”

hillaryEd Klein – Shortly after Hillary Clinton became secretary of state, Barack Obama and two of his top assistants—Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel and Senior Adviser David Axelrod—became aware that she was using a private email system to conduct government business.

All three men—Obama, Emanuel, and Axelrod—exchanged emails with her on clintonemail.com. Everyone else with whom they exchanged emails used a secure dot-gov address.

According to multiple sources, Valerie Jarrett—Obama’s political enforcer—hauled Hillary into the White House and told her to stop. She had to use a secure government server to protect classified information.

Hillary ignored Jarrett’s warning and continued sending and receiving classified emails, thereby jeopardizing the lives of countless American intelligence agents and the country’s national security.

And yet, when FBI Director James Comey let Hillary off the hook, he said she didn’t intend any harm to the United States.

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The Naked Emperor And The Rise Of Truth

ZenGardner September 11 2013

I have to admit it is fun watching Obama and the dark empire’s credibility topple in front of the whole world. They’ve exposed their peace masquerading warmongering and have now been checkmated by the global community thanks to the Russians being such adept strategists. This is a very prescient time in history as the world’s collective voice is crying out with awareness at every level.

Just beautiful.

With awareness comes insight, power and conviction. These all grow exponentially and bleed into new areas of consciousness. It’s a chain reaction and now hitting critical mass as we’ve said all along. We will see this growing continually.

The Powers That Want To Be will continue to attempt to rage against the Light but the darkness cannot touch the Light – it only dissipates in the face and presence of Truth. That’s why lies and deceptive mental subjugation is their game.

That the exposure of these shallow freaks only gets more intense is an absolute thrill. Look at this fake Syrian “authority” shill getting exposed that’s rocking the establishment:

The Syria researcher whose Wall Street Journal op-ed piece was cited by Secretary of State John Kerry and Sen. John McCain during congressional hearings about the use of force has been fired from the Institute for the Study of War for lying about having a Ph.D., the group announced on Wednesday. Source

Reminds me of the Kuwaiti girl caught for lying about the incubator baby deaths. Doesn’t matter, they get their initial reaction and run with it.
You wonder why we’re all so mad?

Lies backfire. Eventually. Continue reading

Sartre ~ Defense Cuts and the Global Empire

BATR February 18 2013

The fundamental distinction between a legitimate national defense and an aggressive global garrison imperium, escapes the political elites. The War Party’s entrenched power and control of their egocentric internationalist foreign policy, endangers the country. Military expenditures have increased substantially this century with little regard to The Real Threat to National Security. The “War on Terror” is a tired excuse that keeps precision smart weapon dominance deployed, which shells suspect bombers with impunity. The technologists that develop and refine methods for more efficient killing machinery hardly earn the honor – defenders of the nation.

The mere suggestion that armed services cutbacks are unpatriotic or places the homeland in peril is an invented euphemism to disguise the true nature of the coercive global empire that has replaced our Constitutional Republic. The Economics of Sequestration points out that, “while many auditors would agree that the bloated expenditures within the military-industrial-complex has much to do with an adventurist foreign policy, the architects of sequestration refused to do a straight across the board reductions in all budgets.”

For a detailed report on sequestration, download the GovWin analysis.

  • Defense hit hard, but small elements of major accounts have been shielded
  • Agencies’ working capital funds are largely protected
  • Fund accounts with economic implications are largely exempted
  • Senate and House member compensation is exempt
  • Contractors and government employees will take hits, but how hard?
  • States, and other grant holders, will be impacted

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